Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] and the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hops being fed into the copper where the sweet wort is boiled vigorously and the vital oils are extracted from the hops
2 In principle these two methods can be treated together and the relevant expressions are derived from the Clausius-Clapeyron equation describing the temperature dependence of the vapour pressure of a liquid where ΔH 1 is the latent heat of vapourization .
3 By far the most popular months for marriage were October and November , when harvest was safely gathered in and the annual period of service for farm servants in the corn-growing regions had come to an end and wages had been paid .
4 By the end of the 1920's Miss Lintorn-Orman 's brand of Fascism had not caught on and the Bolshevik revolution in England , which it had been formed to combat , had ceased to be an event worth waiting for .
5 The ‘ two ’ refers to the number of strands wound together and the thirty is something to do with the length — I can never remember the exact definition of this bit .
6 That night the main gate of the dump was destroyed , the chain link fence around it torn down and the concrete posts lining the entrance to the dump smashed .
7 The rear body capping is drilled off and the rear corner capping also .
8 This takes time to begin with — lots of lovely sitting around going through the magazines again but , when needed , the index which is stored in a file can be looked up and the right magazine located in a few minutes .
9 The nature of the consideration — cash , shares , debentures , bonds , exchanges or a combination of these — being offered by Newco must be considered carefully and the various tax consequences identified .
10 The weld spots need to be drilled out and the easiest way is with a drill-like spot weld remover ( see your local motor factor ) .
11 The yolk is squeezed out and the crushed shell , usually still held together by its membranous lining , is then neatly regurgitated .
12 He knew that he 'd been close , but then somehow it had all slipped away from him ; when Alina had n't come out and the three of them had finally gone into the building , it was to find incomprehension from the woman who lived alone and an empty flat where she said she 'd gone for help .
13 New jeeps had to be modified for desert travel , a vast amount of stores had to be sorted out and the new recruits had to be given at least some elementary training .
14 The ease with which this theft was carried out and the incompetent way in which it was investigated makes one wonder if America is not secretly pleased that Israel has become a nuclear power in the Middle East so that it can act as tripwire in any conflict .
15 There is the gravest risk of a rupture of the uterus if the section is not carried out and the natural labour process is permitted to continue .
16 Eight six-weekly inspections were carried out and the winning department came first on five occasions .
17 Such cases should be considered sympathetically and the following guidelines should be applied .
18 If it were to become an actual consistent condition , the very purpose of life itself ( which is growth towards perfection through the struggle between opposites or growth towards total ‘ order ’ ) would be cancelled out and the evolutionary process would cease to be of significance .
19 When Mr Wilson was elected to the leadership in 1963 , these doctrinal disputes were smoothed over and the Labour Party entered office in 1964 committed to a more rapid rate of growth , improved welfare benefits , more expenditure on schools , houses , roads and health and one major measure of public ownership — the renationalization of the steel industry .
20 However , it appears that , if the ice motion is slowed or temporarily halted against a barrier , the snow will be stripped away and the bare ice rippled and eroded by dry winds that continually course down the ice cap .
21 Next to masturbation , it is the easiest of all sexual diversions to obtain , the most easily exploited commercially and the easiest target for the would-be reformer .
22 During the next 15 minute period a 5 ml bolus containing a known amount of sodium bicarbonate ( 100 , 200 , 500 , or 1000 µmol ) was infused slowly and the total amount of bicarbonate determined by dilution of [ 3 H ] PEG and pH and pCO 2 of oesophageal aspirates .
23 Poor immigrants from Ireland , Wales and adjoining parts of Lancashire and Cheshire had moved in and the old wealthy elite that had previously enjoyed Everton 's rural isolation had left for more secluded homes beyond the township bounds .
24 Democratic Russia itself , at a press conference on Sept. 10 , warned that it would go over to the opposition if economic reform programmes were watered down and the former nomenklatura were once more put in command .
25 On April 12 two Fireflies on patrol attacked a formation of Japanese bombers heading for Okinawa , four of the bombers being shot down and the fifth badly damaged .
26 Somewhere it 's gon na be seen so and the higher the better because all the kids oh there 's the phone .
27 ‘ And all that was so dark , made clear and plain' , cf. ‘ the crooked shall be made straight and the rough places plain' , Isa. 11 : 2 .
28 Now that he was gone I supposed that the crooked would be made straight and the rough places plain .
29 The criterion for capitalists to scrap old equipment is not whether the machine is physically serviceable — most machinery is withdrawn from use well before it has worn out — but whether it can any longer be operated profitably And the key factor which renders unprofitable the operation of older vintages of machinery is a rise in wage costs .
30 ‘ It was a rush decision to do it , we were phoned up and the next day after that we recorded it .
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