Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I 've squared my feelings in that respect long ago .
2 ‘ They 've cancelled my appointments for this morning … .
3 If the staff of a school are required to ‘ do something about equal opportunities ’ and have read that a single-sex environment improves girls ' performance in mathematics and science , there may well be the belief that once they have reorganised their classes in this way , they have done all that is necessary .
4 It was agreed that a detailed presentation would be made as soon as the Bank has clarified its plans in this area .
5 The employer has considered what employees at all levels will contribute to the success of the organisation and has communicated this effectively to them .
6 Do n't choose aggressive , adrenaline-inducing activities but use exercise to activate the body fully as our nervous system and chemistry have primed our bodies for this purpose .
7 Most of the older divisions have developed their systems over many years and new initiatives , new treatment methods and new paperwork have all been evolving .
8 This landing by Group 2 was deliberately made at the base of some sheer , snow-covered rocks 30 feet high , for no German machine-guns were likely to cover such an apparently impossible landing point , the enemy unaware the commandos had developed their techniques for such rough landings .
9 Seven years later they 've just completed their guides to all of mainland Britain , with some sections of it in their fifth editions .
10 In a letter to Peter Brooke , Secretary of State at the Department of National Heritage , the Council for the protection of Rural England and the Council for British Archaeology have joined their voices to that of the National Trust in calling for a public review of the new strategy .
11 The people who suffer if they are broken are not the owners , the shareholders or the board of directors , but those who work in the industry — people who have given their lives to that industry , built up the companies ' assets and made them into going concerns attractive for privatisation .
12 Gum shields are one thing ( having rattled my teeth on many a South African hard field in bygone days , and having been bitten more than once in scrums , I wish they had appeared long ago ) , but shoulder pads are entirely different and their acceptance could change the game for the worse , in my opinion .
13 ‘ The last I heard she 'd transferred her affections to some aspiring West End producer . ’
14 In one case the union concerned had balloted its members on several variations of industrial action .
15 First he had disturbed her senses in that first sweet embrace — and now he was making life difficult by not being there when needed , and appearing so much too late .
16 You have kept this march inviolate from the encroachments of the Prince of Gwynedd , and you have seen his inroads on those less wary and less able than yourself .
17 This practice has robbed your rivers of much of its spawning stock to the great detriment of the whole Scottish economy , for wild salmon bring money into the country in many ways and provide direct and indirect employment for many through anglers who fish for them in your rivers .
18 ‘ I 've had my moments in this game , but they do n't come very often nowadays !
19 I 've had my reservations about all three of these acts at one time or another , but , standing here , gripped and pulsing , in Chicago University 's Mandel Hall , my veins pumping nothing but Dr Pepper and fatigue , it become obvious that I WAS WRONG ALL THE WAY .
20 Both teams have strenghtened their squads for this season and are looking for promotion … both look a good bet too …
21 The non-parliamentary system , on the other hand , is peculiar to the United States and those Latin American Republics which have founded their constitutions upon that of their great neighbour .
22 Something so trivial really did get in the way of a good time , yet none of the children , still bopping away , would have got their vests in such a twist .
23 It was the end of a trail which had had its beginnings in those first rumblings of Henry Fairlie against the Establishment and Malcolm Muggeridge against the Monarchy ; a trail that had led on through the Angry Young Men and all the resentments sown by Suez , through the heyday of affluence , through all the mounting impatience with convention , tradition and authority that had been marked by the teenage revolution and the CND and the New Morality , through the darkening landscape of security scandals and What 's Wrong With Britain and the rising aggression and bitterness of the satirists , in ever more violent momentum .
24 The growth of bureaucracy led to the proliferation of officials with functions as police , tax collectors and customs officers who might have had their offices in such places .
25 Both had for a period apprenticed their ideas to those of Graham Sutherland and both paid homage to Picasso , Vaughan equating him with Auden and Bartók as an artist who had evolved ‘ a coherent vocabulary of form appropriate to our life ’ .
26 And a colourful diversion for the county cricketers , who 've been told their clothes of many colours will remain for Sunday outings even though seven out of ten members said they do n't prefer them .
27 And they had better uses for their money than to sit here drinking with Colin and his latest tart who had opened her legs to half Norwich , if rumour were to be believed .
28 By 1989 Labour had shifted its policies on many of these issues .
29 Rakovsky had bought their lives with that cross .
30 An aircraft engineer , currently servicing this type of aircraft , has offered his services for such a recovery .
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