Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] [noun] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 TWO of Britain 's top building societies have slashed their mortgage rates to below 5% in an attempt to clear their backlog of repossessed homes .
2 The UK British Aerosol Manufacturer 's Association has committed its member companies to a 90 per cent reduction in the use of CFCs by 1990 , together with a voluntary ‘ ozone friendly ’ labelling system .
3 In group A the Paper Tigers with their amazing bouncing ball have lifted their rounders difference to great heights while Dr Blobby and the Blobettes have at last picked up some points from a game , which means that all teams this year have managed to win at least one point .
4 HITCHCOCK HAD primed his shock/suspense tactics to perfection by the time he came to make Psycho .
5 ‘ This winter has been relatively mild and frost free , so birds like lapwing and golden plover have delayed their departure south to the farms and coastal areas of Scotland and England , and many are still finding enough food in Shetland .
6 The cimetidine treated xenografts were identical in all respects to the xenografts from the other groups apart from having less necrotic areas , possibly because thy had not outgrown their blood supply to the same extent as the other tumours .
7 One can not do that in any sense of fairness or justice to those who have , without any political considerations , given their working lives to the Scottish Bus Group and its subsidiaries .
8 Some species of surface-living fish , in danger of being out-paced by the hunters , have turned their pectoral fins to a special purpose .
9 UK language outfit Harlequin Ltd , Cambridge , which has moved its US operation to Cambridge , Massachusetts ( from Salem , New Hampshire ) , was showing off its wares at last week 's ObjectWorld ‘ 93 event in Boston .
10 It had been a bitter pill to swallow , and she had made her feelings plain to the man her husband had been friends with since his childhood .
11 ‘ However , in fairness to Price Waterhouse , it should also be stressed that on other occasions — for example , in April and October 1990 — when the firm had made its audit report to the directors of BCCI , it ensured that some information was passed on to the Bank of England .
12 My clients were relieved , but the brothers , George and Mike Stevens , were not , and had made their feelings plain to Andrew Buccleuth in language that he did not normally hear outside the fringe theatre , of which he was a generous patron .
13 In the past two years it has grown by more than 35 per cent , and anyone who put in £3,000 when it was launched , in April 1988 , will have seen their investment swell to £4,267 .
14 All these aims will be much easier to achieve now that they have met their customers face to face and talked over their problems .
15 The company has also upgraded its Macintosh server to version 4.0 , claiming better performance .
16 DJ Puff is now one cool , chillin' dude who has turned his home island to DJ 's sensational sounds ( pop pickers ! ) .
17 With the latest round of fare increases implemented today , he 's seen his season ticket to the city jump £500 to £4,200 .
18 Oh where have you moved your light bulbs to Jenny ?
19 The company , launched in 1985 with its free frames promotion , has handed its £500,000 account to Group X , after a four-way pitch with Lewis Broadbent Advertising , the Tenet Group and former incumbent Archminster .
20 The British public had opened its morning papers to the stark announcement that clothing and footwear were rationed .
21 Rome has also closed its city centre to private vehicles for two months as part of a plan to ease congestion and air pollution .
22 The company said it was ‘ disturbed that Oki has gone , ’ from the i860 fray ( UX No 384 ) — it had sold its compiler technology to the firm .
23 Welcome back to Central News : coming up in a few minutes , the sheep farmer who 's opened his farm yard to the public for the lambing season .
24 has frazzled my patchwork wings to the bone .
25 South Korean electronics companies have revised upwards their export targets for this year , encouraged by a surge in their shipments during the first quarter of this year : Samsung Electronics Co Ltd said it had raised its export target to $6,200m from its original target of $5,800m , and from $4,700m last year ; Goldstar Co Ltd said it would be able to export $3,400m this year , up from its previous target of $3,200m and the $2,570m last year ; Daewoo Electronics Co Ltd says it sees a smaller increase .
26 Detailed analysis of the monitor has enabled its colour response to be predicted to a very high degree of accuracy .
27 The latter , although more populous at 1.09 billion , has slowed its growth rate to less than two per cent through the introduction of family planning .
28 ( Bottom ) Wallace noted that some cockatoos — Australian birds — had crossed his demarcation line to Bali .
29 Although such ‘ signals ’ may be born of snobbism and élitism of the least attractive kind and are often public confirmations of economic privilege , those teachers who have devoted their working lives to the state sector know that the only way of countering , undermining and finally defeating private education is by making the local authority schools places where all children realise their full potential .
30 Immediately before a visit to Tokyo by Delors [ see p. 38202 ] , the Commission on May 11 , 1991 , imposed punitive duties of around 17 per cent on imported Japanese audio cassettes , which had not reduced their market share to 35 per cent as agreed in 1988 .
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