Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] as [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Any modules which are common to different projects should be included in as many packages as required .
2 " Meanings " are neither equated with speakers ' intentions , nor with recipients ' interpretations ; both are looked on as mental entities which are of little interest as long as they do not " materialize " in interaction .
3 ‘ Ocean Park ’ is the title given to dozens of paintings done over as many years by Richard Diebenkorn .
4 The two local policemen came around one day and suggested I place a red light in a window which could be seen by as many neighbours or passers-by as possible .
5 They can be thought of as seven tests to be applied .
6 He considers taking an early flight because it is the quickest , doubts whether it will give him time to prepare and settles for the quickest later flight ; he wants to be bothered with as few suitcases as possible , starts packing the biggest he has , finds the lock broken and chooses another .
7 Conciseness — This means that the message of the letter must be conveyed in as few words as possible , using clear , simple expressions and avoiding the use of any unnecessary phrases .
8 As you draw what you draw is reflected in as many mirrors as you specify .
9 ‘ However , ’ Margrida continued , ‘ the incident created so much gossip among his courtiers that King João became annoyed and he ordered a ceiling in the palace to be painted with as many magpies as there were chattering ladies .
10 This is in contrast with the usual representation of a physical map , where clones are summarised as intervals which have been packed into as few lines as possible ( Fig 1 ) .
11 The concept of freedom is here completely illusory , and the compositional system is bound by as many rules and prohibitions as is conventional music .
12 Candida Gray , Candida Gray , a name that she had known for as many years as she had known any such names ; she had not read as many of the novels as she ought to have done , but she had read one at least , and that one she actually remembered .
13 The US authorities instigated 1,551 cases , but of these only 45 per cent were prosecuted as criminal ; the majority were dealt with as civil matters even though little difference could be found in the types of anti-trust behaviour these corporations committed .
14 This function should be severely restricted to as few persons as possible .
15 In the words of Dirac a state of motion of a system may be defined as an undisturbed motion that is restricted by as many conditions or data as are theoretically possible without mutual interference or contradiction .
16 In other words you agree with the customer , right , now take my words , you wan na think it over , right , we 're not prepared to give you a decision tonight , eh , now I 'd say something like , well that 's understandable , and we 've gone through as many things and debt this evening as we probably need to go through , do n't you agree ?
17 The Idris operating system can also be run on as many Transputers as necessary while allowing part of the system to remain as a native T9000 network .
18 If you do not have many outlets , or can not add extra lights , think of adding track-lighting to the ceiling since you can fix as many spots onto a track , trained to as many angles as you think it will take .
19 If a compressed file is too large to fit onto a single diskette , it will automatically be split across as many diskettes as are needed .
20 For the equivalent of £8.20 there was fruit juice , grapefruit , croissant or pastries followed by as many rashers of British bacon and British eggs as customers could manage .
21 On the Worcestershire Stour , ten mill sites have been removed in as many years .
22 You may even want to produce the sort of book that is popular in America , the police procedural concerned with as many as half a dozen different crimes investigated by as many officers linked to each other only by working out of the same squad room .
23 Accordingly , the CMI electronic bill of lading can be issued by as many carriers as have the necessary hardware and software , and it can be ‘ endorsed ’ by as many endorsees as have the same facilities .
24 This can mean , in effect , that you 've got to be licensed for as many copies as you have machines .
25 The thirteen kilometres to the forward holding area were covered in as many minutes .
26 The addenda should be kept to as few items as are necessary for the proper presentation of the work .
27 The Drumbeat Club makes for an excellent evening on shore in Nassau when you can experience authentic Bahamian music in a venue frequented by as many locals as tourists .
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