Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] the change in " in BNC.

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1 The results of applying the market model to these data are shown in Fig. 6.7 , where the ex-post returns have been plotted against betas which have been adjusted for the changes in the cash holdings of the unit trusts : Ward and Saunders argue that these managerial decisions are particularly important in determining unit trust performance .
2 Roy Hattersley , deputy party leader , was blamed for the change in policy which has been approved at three previous conferences .
3 What is essential is to identify a ‘ critical mass ’ of people inside and directly outside the organization who must be committed to the change in order for it to succeed .
4 Sometimes the sequence is confined to the changes in single cells , at other times groups of cells have multiple influences on their neighbours .
5 When the labourers around Arundel rioted in 1549 , although their main grievances were economic , they also protested at the changes in the familiar rituals .
6 But if King is discouraged by the change in his fortunes he does n't show it .
7 No allowance is made for the changes in factor prices consequent on the fall in capital ; nor is any account taken of the financing of the debt interest .
8 This finding is significant in itself , but it becomes even more so when matched against the changes in the labour market already described , where part-time working is increasingly important , and not only for women .
9 That new thing , as is recently being admitted , is connected with the change in the composition of the population of certain of our great cities .
10 Dinosaurs also had a larger digestive tract that seemed to have co-evolved with the changes in Earth 's flora and fauna .
11 Thus Protagon was able to conclude that the performance of the racket related to adjustment of the string tension is 11 times more than its performance related to the change in the stiffness of the frame .
12 The research will analyse whether expenditure changes are related to the change in the degree of accountability faced by different local authorities .
13 This was achieved by Debye in 1944 , who showed that for a solute whose molecules are small compared with the wavelength of the light used , the reduced angular scattering intensity of the solute is and that this is related to the change in Gibbs free energy with concentration of the solute .
14 The temperature T m is related to the change in enthalpy ΔH u and the entropy change ΔS u , for the first order melting transition of pure crystalline polymer to pure amorphous melt , by
15 For an isotropic body , the change in length per unit length is related to the change in width per unit of length , such that where υ p is known as Poisson 's ratio and varies from 0.5 , when no volume change occurs , to about 0.2 .
16 Whether a particular chemical reaction is likely to occur is related to the change in free energy involved .
17 She looked up , startled at the change in his voice .
18 The complex dielectric permittivity ε * can be measured from the change in amplitude and , if the phase lag between the applied voltage and the outcoming current is determined ( see figure 13.16 ) , then ε * can be resolved into the two components ε′ , the storage ( dielectric constant ) and ε′′ , the loss ( dielectric loss ) .
19 Willie had grown used to the changes in his room so that he was pleasantly surprised at Zach 's excitement over it .
20 This ignores the change in factor prices induced by the change in k ( other terms in the coefficient of ) and the taxes necessary to finance the debt ( positive where ) .
21 That is being helped by the change in the turkey processing market in the past 15 years or so which has led to two-thirds of the national output , worth a total of £300 million a year , being eaten in portion and added value form .
22 The change in gastric acid secretion , between basal acid secretion and stimulated acid secretion , that occurred during the first 30 minutes after sham feeding was compared with the change in urine acid output ( DUAO ) over the same period .
23 This difference is substantially offset by a large difference in the entropic cost of base stacking of -176 kJ mol -1 ( TΔS at 300K ) , that results in a net free energy difference of -47 kJ mol -1 — a large difference , but still small compared to the changes in ΔH and TΔS .
24 These concerns have been further stimulated by the change in public attitudes to safety and environmental issues , many of which are closely linked to energy .
25 Strict anaerobic sampling is not necessary for the measurements of cCa 2 + in gall bladder bile , because the cCa 2 + was not significantly affected by the changes in pCO 2 .
26 Such local compensation , however , can not occur at the small scale because the lithosphere has a finite strength and so changes in load result in regional isostatic adjustments over a greater area than that actually affected by the change in load ( Fig. 4.7(B) ) .
27 No resources were allocated for the changes in procedures necessitated by the care programme approach ( Hudson , 1992 ) , although the Mental Illness Specific Grant was identified as a potential source of funding for new initiatives in social care which could be complementary to the introduction of care programming .
28 Some species have benefited from the change in the downland agricultural scene , and Corn Buntings and Skylarks are now more numerous in these areas than elsewhere in the county and are the most characteristic birds of the downland .
29 Although much of the attention at the summit was inevitably focused on the changes in Eastern Europe and the drive towards monetary union , the starting point for the talks , particularly from the British delegation 's viewpoint , was the need to speed up the 1992 reforms .
30 This tradition has by no means wholly disappeared , although the power of the shop-stewards movement is now massively reduced by the changes in its traditional locations described above .
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