Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] the national [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The familiar Hi no maru ( " round sun " ) flag was also formally designated as the national flag .
2 Just as forbearance on the part of workers would be asked for when real effort was made in creating jobs for them , so too would the landowners have to contribute , by releasing the land for needed facilities designed for the national good .
3 I think the time has now come for the National Heritage Memorial Fund to be split and a separate body established for Scotland .
4 The regions of application have been amalgamated with the National Curriculum cross-curricular themes .
5 Substantial cash help has also come from the National Heritage Memorial Fund ( £40,000 ) , the Countryside Commission for Scotland ( £40,000 ) , the Christopher Brasher Trust ( £30,000 ) and many others .
6 A group of MPs protested that it was ‘ totally unacceptable ’ for the Second World War to be omitted from the national curriculum for 7 to 14-year-olds .
7 History could be dropped from the national curriculum because of " all the ink being spilled " over how it should be taught , 18 eminent historians claimed yesterday …
8 All communist insignia were dropped from the national flag and state emblems .
9 Perhaps such cases do not occur with the frequency one may so readily believe or that such cases do not get reported in the national press with the frequency that one might have expected ; or alternatively , perhaps the police are much more successful in capturing the so-called sex maniacs than we sometimes are led to imagine .
10 Generally indecent assault and gross indecency cases against males reported in the national press are not characterised by overt violence , but point to the dangers of the persuasive powers of people in positions of trust taking sexual advantage .
11 This ill-informed comment might be laughed off were it not for a threat , prominently reported in the national press , that the Moi University medical students might not be eligible for full registration upon qualification because of their ‘ sub-standard ’ education .
12 We are encouraged by the success of this venture which is seen as being a very important contribution , not only to the WISE programme but in extending the influence of technology to more girls , particularly now that the subject is included in the National Curriculum .
13 Assuming : ( a ) that all three measures are calculated accurately ; ( b ) that only final goods and services are counted in the national product and national expenditure figures ; ( c ) that any changes in unsold stocks are included in the national expenditure figures ; and ( d ) that all incomes , including profits but excluding transfer payments , are counted in the national income figures , then it must follow that all three measures will provide an identical figure for the value of the country 's total output .
14 What follows is a guide to the PSD modules which are included in the National Certificate Catalogue 1988/89 .
15 ‘ We should ask national income estimators conceptual questions such as : which of the activities a farm family does for itself without payment , such as haircutting for example , have you included in the national income ? ’ , says a leading development economist ( Seers 1979 : 15 ) .
16 For the areas in our study there was a high degree of completeness of ascertainment from 1968 onwards for children aged 0–14 because these areas are included in the data collected prospectively for the Northern Region Children 's Malignant Disease Registry and all these cases were included in the National Registry of Childhood Tumours .
17 We joined embattled coalfield communities in South Wales , who have suffered decades of dirt , noise and heavy traffic , in a call for a complete overhaul of Minerals Planning Guidance Note 3 which currently tells planning authorities that opencast mining should be permitted in the national interest .
18 Another £100,000 was targeted from the National Union of Students , which as a federation of local student unions and associations is barred by law from spending or investing any of its constituent members ' money .
19 The Conservative Party is totally committed to the national Health Service .
20 There was also a small working-class and youth element attached to the IFL , some of whom acted as a kind of precursor of the skinhead and football hooligan types later attracted to the National Front and British Movement .
21 If you are genuinely interested in being included on the national register of bone marrow donors please contact the Ohd on
22 The supply problem was further compounded by the fact that during the four years of war only 50,000 dwellings were added to the national stock .
23 It has long been recognised , however , that international comparisons of industrial relations which are confined to the national level may produce misleading results because of the possible dominance of one or more particular industries within a given country .
24 The records of local Labour parties reveal that Labour 's feverish organizational activities were not confined to the national party alone .
25 This represents a reversal of the prevailing trends of the nineteenth century and is re-establishing the broad distribution found before 1750 , dominated by the national capital and the rich agricultural lowlands ( Osborne , 1964 ; Department of the Environment , 1971 ) .
26 Of the 27 seats reserved for Fijian nationals of Indian descent , 14 were won by the National Federation Party ( NFP ) and 13 by the Fiji Labour Party ( FLP — which had also unsuccessfully fielded a number of candidates for Fijian seats ) .
27 Against most predictions the presidential and legislative elections held on Feb. 25 were won by the National Opposition Union ( UNO ) , whose presidential candidate , Violeta Barrios de Chamorro , obtained ( according to preliminary returns ) 55 per cent of the vote .
28 His babe in arms would be no more responsive to Lloyd George 's leonine appearance than would an accompanying parakeet in a cage and if both , having seen him , were then carried around the National Gallery , it would be equally valid to claim that they had seen the works of art on display as well .
29 The new grants were attacked by the National Union of Students as another cut in living standards when inflation was running at 7.7 per cent and housing costs , according to estimates from the committee of vice-chancellors and principals , had increased by 8.6 per cent .
30 The alternative method , as epitomised by the National Semiconductor Digitalker chip , is that of stored compressed speech .
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