Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] a time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These courses could not be done in a shorter time so they were normally arranged for a time of year when there was less pressure of work on those participating .
2 The convoy was halted for a time by protesters at Dalreoch , on the Dumbarton-Helensburgh road , again at Helensburgh and on the third occasion at the protest camp at the gates to the base .
3 Broadly the period 1951–87 can be divided into four parts : 1951–64 , a period of comparatively little social policy innovation which may be regarded as a time of consolidation or stagnation , according to one 's political viewpoint ; 1964–74 , a period of fairly intense policy change stimulated by both political parties , in which considerable difficulties were experienced in translating aspirations into practice ; 1974–78 , a period in which rapid inflation and government by the Labour party without a parliamentary majority administered a severe shock to the political and social system , and to all who believed that there was still a need for developments in social policy ; and 1979–87 , when much more explicitly anti-welfare state Conservative administrations reinforced that shock by deliberately treating inflation as more deserving of its attention than unemployment , attacking public services which were seen as inhibiting economic recovery and seeking ways to ‘ privatize ’ public services .
4 Conversely youth is depicted as a time of vitality and good health .
5 Elsewhere in the country , one polling station in the south was occupied for a time by Khmer Rouge troops , who eventually stole a UN car and left .
6 He watched me , smiling but sharp , and for some reason — for no reason — I was reminded of a time at school when I had tried to make one friend betray another , and failed .
7 Buchanan 's Triangles clubmate Mark Tosh pushed hard to try and catch him on the five-mile run but the Derry man won in a time of 1.28.52 .
8 Are you so trapped in a time of royalty and titles that you ca n't envisage a world in which a woman has obligations ? ’
9 All the nineteenth-century conventions of comedy pointed to the need for universality and in any case Chaplin 's own personal inclinations must have pulled him back from being sectionally committed at a time of class warfare .
10 Education is often the first to be squeezed at a time of cuts .
11 They have come at a time of unprecedented pressure on the government to speed up the introduction of a secure unit .
12 They were together — happily and companionably together , separated for a time from the outside world and its evil influences .
13 Both Dalton and Alexander , the First Lord of the Admiralty , argued at meetings of the committee that Germany should be deprived of war-making industries , though not to the extent of the ‘ pastoralisation ’ proposed by Henry Morgenthau , the US Secretary of the Treasury , and accepted for a time by Churchill and Roosevelt at their meeting at Quebec in September 1944 .
14 During my first year as a prisoner some of us were moved for a time from Silesia to a camp in the Polish corridor .
15 The New Year holiday lasts for three days and is seen as a time of fresh starts , new resolutions and auspicious omens .
16 A great deal of importance is attached to planning and administration as it is seen as a time for problem-solving as opposed to task allocation .
17 Presumably it saw service for iron working at some time , although in later life it was used for corn grinding , saw milling , as well as being operated for a time as a maltings .
18 The Old Town , built in a time of strife , occupies a fairly small area and nestles for protection close to the Castle .
19 Of course this famous pamphlet was a much more practical political publication than The German Ideology and it was written at a time of tremendous political ferment .
20 The FAO report , written at a time of negligible ecological awareness in fisheries management , suggested that populations of dolphins and fish-eating birds should be reduced to raise the fisheries potential of the region .
21 ‘ Schubert Dip ’ , Ian tells me , was written at a time of innocence , frivolity and irresponsibility .
22 Most of her boyfriends have been collected at a time of crisis in their lives , lame ducks , my father calls them , who tend to move on when they have reorganised their existence , not wanting to be taken over .
23 When a member of the Royal Family becomes pregnant , an announcement is made at a time of their choosing . ’
24 The crash had occurred at a time of clear visibility and good weather conditions .
25 He predicted that the course record was likely to be broken with a time inside one hour and 50 minutes .
26 After this he seems to have retired for a time to his Scottish estates .
27 Harald was probably also recognised for a time as ruler of part of Norway .
28 Parenthood is generally recognised as a time of crisis and adjustment .
29 In opposition , and to some extent isolated at a time of political consensus , Conservative educators like Professor Brian Cox and Dr Rhodes Boyson attracted considerable press attention through the publication of a series of ‘ Black Papers on Education ’ .
30 Having achieved a degree of fertility , the calves will then be born at a time of reduction in nutritional inputs , and also at the outset of a housing period with all its attendant disease factors .
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