Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] the [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With the milled edge of the coin he chipped at the red-brown crust that had formed between the lower lip of the cap of the bolt and the metal sheet plate of the carriage flooring .
2 The generally optimistic tenor of this debate provides a revealing comparison with those public views examined for the earlier period .
3 In the first place , as must already be evident , it shows some striking parallels with the Formalists ' views on literature and literary studies — views which were developed for the greater part quite independently of it , for although later Formalist theory may have been influenced to some degree by Saussure , the beginnings of the movement predate the publication of his Cours .
4 Timetables have not yet been adjusted for the higher performance of the Class 158s and the journey time to London remains at about 5 hours .
5 OMT contains immunoglobulin , mainly IgG , and can be collected by an absorbant pad placed between the lower gum and buccal mucosa ( Orasure , Epitope ) .
6 Smiling to herself , she led the boy across the hall and on up the staircase , then along the galleried landing towards the far end of the corridor and Richard 's room which was situated between the larger room that was Cissie 's and the bright pretty room that was Beth 's and David 's .
7 Designed for the heavier runner or the runner with a pronation problem , the Endeavour is a stable training shoe with a studded outersole , suitable for the road or country .
8 Two years later , again at Daytona , on 11 March 1929 , he recaptured the record from the American Ray Keech at 231.362 m.p.h. in Golden Arrow , designed by Captain J. S. Irving with a 900-hp aero-engine hired from Napier and originally designed for the Schneider trophy winner Supermarine seaplane .
9 They are immensely adaptable : designed for the plainer interiors of the hot south , they sit happy in stark modernist décors , but do n't look out of place in rooms stuffed with antiques .
10 Both families had ties with greater men , who were more concerned with affairs of State , and they were affected by political turmoil , particularly the Stonors , who suffered forfeiture in 1483 for rebelling against Richard III , but both had come through the earlier phase of the dynastic struggle with relatively minor scars .
11 For breeding aquaria where undergravel filtration is used , smaller sized gravel is more suited as fry tend to get trapped between the larger sizes .
12 You will now appreciate the load I have carried for the greater part of my life .
13 Only recommended for the larger pool .
14 The generation of 1898 redressed in literature the balance that had been upset in the economic development of Spain : with some exaggeration the rediscovery of the desolate attractions of Castile by poets and essayists , many of whom came from peripheral regions , can be seen as a repentant gesture to the centre , devastated for the greater glory of Spain .
15 that a major consultation has been going on in one is reminded of the earlier discussion about er St Albans , twelve thousand questionnaires have been sent out and there
16 So we 've introduced several central heating systems at a reduced cost , designed with the smaller home in mind .
17 The personal element in the Anglo-American special relationship , which had been based on war-time partnership , started to crumble with the departure of Eisenhower from the White House , and had to be painstakingly rebuilt with the younger generation of American leaders .
18 Harry had come into the lower doorway at the right time , and was moving up between the tables to take his normal place among the young fellows of knightly family , his peers .
19 When the worms are mature , and eggs are aspirated into the smaller air passages and parenchyma , consolidation increases and emphysema is more marked .
20 Interestingly , women 's wishes were more frequently considered with the longer section 3 than section 2 admissions ( 15 of 17 cases compared with 15 of 23 cases ) .
21 Schools and teachers are part of a wider political arena and it is inevitable that school disruption is sucked into the wider debates about and responses to law and order .
22 However , when cells were transfected with the longer N-Oct 3 cDNA ( Figure 3a , lane 6 , Fig. 3b plasmid IV ) there was an inverse intensity of the two N-Oct 5 bands .
23 In the 1983 election , the party won less than half the number of seats it had won in the larger cities in 1959 , the last election when it was returned with a three-figure majority .
24 Both animals , with many others , had come from the higher parts of the rivers .
25 A district with a high under 75 years standardised mortality ratio will tend to have people dying earlier than expected in the younger age groups , and applying national average rates of use of service to those groups will underestimate its relative need for health services .
26 The factory bench was seen as a crucial division , a ‘ watershed ’ structured by patterns of class and gender located in the wider society .
27 The venom glands are modified salivary glands located in the lower jaws .
28 Women concentrate in a small number of occupations and most of these are located in the lower rungs of the occupational and grading hierarchies .
29 Based on the experience that very few who opt to hold offers as insurance actually enrol , their numbers have been omitted from the later calculations .
30 He had others in his grizzled russet tonsure , dropped from the higher branches as the wind stirred them .
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