Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The French bank originally heard about the headhunters they had employed by word-of-mouth contact , and BICC had based their choice — perhaps more dangerously — on a review of headhunting firms ' own literature .
2 One is to conceive of them as being deliberately designed for the purposes they serve , the implication of which is that we should be constantly reforming existing institutions so that they may better serve those ends for which they were intended .
3 A few pupils in some classes were interviewed about the methods they used to answer the questions and most used doubling and halving as expected .
4 And he does not like to be reminded of the gaffes he made as deputy chairman — branding the young unemployed as workshy , or musing on Radio Ulster whether Ian Paisley might like to be prime minister of a united Ireland .
5 The use of the contract army , however , placed the king in the position of debtor to the military captains , most of whom were members of the titled nobility , and the sums owed by the crown to individual nobles might often be very substantial : in 1386 , for instance , the Earl of Northumberland reached agreement with the Exchequer whereby in return for £700 he discharged the king of all debts owing to the earl ‘ from any time past until the making of this indenture ’ , and the earl was discharged of the debts he incurred when he held the office of Admiral .
6 By the time the 90mph train smashed into the benches it had lost only about 5mph .
7 Once it has been lifted from the frames it will be offered to the NRM who have expressed interest in it for a projected display .
8 Obviously , the first requirement in developing students ' critical abilities is to get them immersed in the disciplines they are studying , and bring them to appreciate and to respect the internal criteria of evaluation — the kinds of evidence , criteria and values that are particular to each discipline .
9 If a character rides a monster its points value is included in the points you are allowed to spend on characters and not the points you are permitted for monsters .
10 In consequence the wealth of research contained in the bibliographies I have mentioned often fails to follow through the deep structures of police culture or establish the ways in which the culture is self-sustaining even in the face of calls for social change .
11 A painter himself , he was attracted to the problems he believed that Cézanne had faced and solved in composition and technique .
12 For their part , many NHS trusts have responded to the freedoms they now have to manage their affairs , to improve the position of low paid staff , and to introduce greater flexibility into the provision of services to patients .
13 In recent years it has added to the services it provides for the retired to include financial services , retirement homes and magazine publishing .
14 Added to the sweeteners they 'd have to pay back , that would mean a deficit of nearly £130m .
15 The votes last credited to Craig have in the present context a special significance only because they were added to the votes he had already received .
16 Willis had never known many children , and until Nenna had come to the boats he had rather tended to forget there were such things .
17 But having said that surely Wilkinson could have kept him at the club , for someone who says that players are picked on the performances they produce how can he explain Deane ?
18 When a crime is reported to the police they do not work on the assumption that anyone could have done it .
19 It also falls into disrepute with the support teachers themselves who become frustrated and disillusioned at the obstacles they face and fear that the children are losing out .
20 Over the last couple of issues of PFK we have looked at the measures we need to take to avoid disharmony in the marine aquarium due to the natural aggressive tendencies of some reef fish and invertebrates towards one another .
21 Having looked at the photos you will probably be wondering why , despite this being a completely new product , there is such an air of familiarity about the design .
22 Finally , because this book seeks to assist users of search in selecting a good headhunting firm for their particular needs , the survey asked how companies had come across the headhunters they had employed .
23 They feel bitter and disillusioned by the conditions they say they are forced to endure , under direct threat of assassination .
24 Although a minority of the group succeeded in finding jobs , these did not last long , and , like the rest of this group , who remained unemployed , they became frustrated and disillusioned by the difficulties they experienced in finding employment and by the attitude of employers to older workers .
25 And when they were later approached by the police they claimed that they were unaware they were being arrested .
26 Stephen was felled by the things she knew .
27 Critical reservations about New Historicism are overwhelmed by the benefits it has produced in forcing us to reconsider the relations between texts , historical contexts , and the methodologies we use in both establishing and unravelling these relations .
28 ‘ Yes , ’ faintly , her voice muffled by the rags she was lying on .
29 Braitenberg says these internal connections are of two kinds : local interconnections of about 1 mm , which are largely derived from collaterals of axons leaving one region of neocortex and carrying messages elsewhere ; and long-range , distant connections carried by the axons I have just mentioned .
30 When Bruce was interviewed by the police he said Mrs Knight had been willing to part with her possessions .
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