Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , just as the empirical data on social inequality that were presented in Chapter 2 could be usefully explained through a combination of Marxist and Weberian theories , in this chapter , the concepts of closure and reproduction also help to bring Marxist and Weberian approaches together , this time for the analysis of the dynamics of class .
2 The superintendent explained about the name of the guest Nicola was expecting to meet .
3 Two of the younger ones rather shyly explained about the workings of the creamery .
4 far from being crushed as a nation by the Russian conquest , the Yakuts succeeded in adapting to the ways of their conquerors and extended their own influence over their Tungus and Yukagir neighbours , not to mention the Russians themselves .
5 If the child has become lost or frightened as a result of parental neglect , then the adult in question may expect to be admonished by the fairy , who dislikes irresponsibility and carelessness .
6 As with other holders of potential power , the strategies open to presidents are limited through a variety of factors — the president is constrained through his formal constitutional powers , the degree of popularity he enjoys and the limitations imposed by relations with other countries , for example .
7 The producers of public expenditure have helped increase public spending since the competition for votes has led politicians to promise more and more spending ; moreover , since governments come into office with a vast amount of spending commitments inherited from previous governments , their ability to reduce these commitments substantially is limited through the length of time that would be required to make such reductions , and further , they are unlikely to court unpopularity through doing so .
8 While digesting my daily dose of Gulf wallpaper the other week , I chanced upon a Radio 4 telephone spat between an editor from ITN and Nicholas Soames MP , a Tory backbencher .
9 A discharge from the urethra can sometimes be demonstrated during the medical examination , but , since the urethral opening in the female is hidden between the folds of the labia , such a discharge will not be apparent to the woman herself ; even if she examines herself , the natural moistness of this part of the body will tend to mask any contribution from the urethra .
10 Whatever the specific features of the occupations chosen for study , samples tend uniformly to be male , or mostly male : this fact is hidden through the use of titles which purport to be describing work in general and the worker irrespective of gender .
11 By that time the information contained in the audited accounts would be so out of date that it would not reasonably be foreseen as the basis for a business judgment concerning the extension of credit to Berg or the discounting of bills .
12 She added : ‘ If her journey was delayed as a result of the plucking , the person involved will be given a roasting .
13 But there are two further points which emerge from considerations of a wide range of literature relating to public enterprise : big investment decisions have been complicated and delayed as a result of having to be considered by a number of government departments ; such decisions have been easy prey to party political pressures when they have involved the location of new plants and/or closure of old ones [ Knight , 1974 ] .
14 The meeting had originally been scheduled to start on July 1 , but had been delayed as a result of Sri Lanka 's announcement on June 24 that it would not participate because of India 's refusal to agree on the withdrawal of the Indian Peace Keeping Force ( IPKF ) from Sri Lanka by the latter 's deadline of July 29 [ see p. 36735 ] .
15 All-party talks on the future of Northern Ireland , initiated by Peter Brooke , the UK Northern Ireland Secretary [ see p. 38156 ] , which were due to start on May 7 , were delayed as a result of procedural disputes mainly concerning the venue and chairing of the second strand of discussions .
16 Russia 's intended sale of diesel submarines to Iran , which had aroused strong US opposition , was delayed as a result of a dispute over trade payments , according to a Russian announcement on Sept. 25 .
17 Final approval had been delayed as a result of a Spanish-UK disagreement on the rate of tax to be applied to Spanish and British sherry in the UK .
18 9.17 Frustration of reinstatement Landlords sometimes include a proviso that the landlord should have the right to terminate the lease in the event of reinstatement being frustrated or delayed as a result of circumstances beyond the landlord 's control .
19 Speaker B treats this contribution as requiring an answer , following a pattern described by Labov in the rule : ‘ If ( speaker ) A makes a statement about a ( speaker ) B-event , it is heard as a request for confirmation ’ ( 1972b : 254 ) .
20 There are other images , too : he mentions the " ailanthus " , one of which stood in the yard of the Mary Institute where he had once played , and the " briar rose " by his father 's house in Gloucester ; in addition , he employs words like " rote " or " groaner " which he had heard as a child in New England .
21 The expression the frog 's boon was also used by the old horseman in another way that is worth recording : it was heard as a kind of metaphor for ‘ being in control ’ .
22 Four elements here are open to criticism : ( 1 ) the term batteur de mesure had become discredited and much less used by 1790 , because of its association with the bad old days ; ( 2 ) the ‘ large stick ’ whatever its size in 1750 , got markedly smaller by 1790 ; ( 3 ) there was no unified body of opinion which attacked ‘ woodchopping ’ over the decades : in fact Rousseau 's text , and those of his epigones , aspired to make musico-political points in favour of Italian opera as much as about beating time ; ( 4 ) audible stick signals can not be said , at least after 1781 , to have ‘ co-ordinated ’ chorus and ballet , if that implies ‘ heard as a matter of course ’ ; the evidence shows that no audible signal was thereafter heard as a matter of course .
23 Four elements here are open to criticism : ( 1 ) the term batteur de mesure had become discredited and much less used by 1790 , because of its association with the bad old days ; ( 2 ) the ‘ large stick ’ whatever its size in 1750 , got markedly smaller by 1790 ; ( 3 ) there was no unified body of opinion which attacked ‘ woodchopping ’ over the decades : in fact Rousseau 's text , and those of his epigones , aspired to make musico-political points in favour of Italian opera as much as about beating time ; ( 4 ) audible stick signals can not be said , at least after 1781 , to have ‘ co-ordinated ’ chorus and ballet , if that implies ‘ heard as a matter of course ’ ; the evidence shows that no audible signal was thereafter heard as a matter of course .
24 And not a snigger is heard as a group of teenage boys sit around the table talking about sex .
25 This is heard as an anticipation of the next chord , resolving by scale step .
26 She got told off for being late , but it was n't until the next day that Sally 's parents were phoned by the school who had heard about a gang of young people being at the hospital the previous night .
27 ‘ But since Sir Charles died , I have heard about a number of things that seem to be supernatural .
28 He had heard about the lack of hospitals , the lack of schools ; heard that the same conditions exist throughout the Third World .
29 He also asked her to keep an eye on his widow because he had heard about the carrying-on with the women-folk .
30 Suppose for example that I am a smoker who has just heard about the dangers of lung cancer .
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