Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Dorrell , visiting Darlington Memorial Hospital , claimed during the 1980s the number of patients treated in the town rose by an average of 5pc a year .
2 Built in the 1950s the Netheridge works provides basic treatment to sewage from homes and industry from a large part of Gloucester .
3 When Berkeley was being built in the 1950s the world watched enviously on as Britain looked forward to an era of incredibly cheap electricity .
4 Seen from the outside the nature , and above all , the neck-breaking speed of achievements over the past two months may seem remarkable .
5 When a stress is applied to a solid the response can not in reality be instantaneous and , in polymers , in particular , elastic " after-effects ' ( to use the phrase of Weber in 1835 ) are found .
6 Both exploited to the utmost the greatest telescopic resources of their times , and for both many of their discoveries resulted from massive programmes of systematic investigations .
7 The gruel was served up and a long grace was said over a short the gruel disappeared , the boys looked at each other and went over , while his next neighbours nudged him , tired as he was he was desperately hungry and he rest on the table and the master with his hands he said
8 I think we should have said at the first the very first lesson , they just ploughed straight into did n't they ?
9 And obviously each word there each negative word was counteracted by a positive the opposite right .
10 It 's the machine every Game Boy owner would like , but it costs a prohibitive £129.99 if bought with a Sonic The Hedgehog cart .
11 The big city stations of the nineteenth century reflected to the full the Victorians ' unashamed belief in monumentality .
12 The President , Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Keith Williamson , took the Chair , and Conference was opened by The Worshipful The Mayor of Blackpool , Councillor Mrs Mary A Barnes JP .
13 Golf , from nothing , has become in the Eighties the most successful sport , internationally , practised in these islands .
14 Mrs Thatcher has merely utilized to the full the scope for untrammelled power latent in the British Constitution but obscured by the hesitancy and scruples of previous , consensus-based , political leaders .
15 But it was his second , Progress and Religion ( 1929 ) , that first displayed to the full the depth of his thought and the astonishing range of his learning .
16 The last ten years have brought into the open the struggle between the oligarchy , supported by the United States , and a substantial section of the population , represented not only by the armed opposition FMLN but by trade unions , popular organizations , women 's groups , Christian base communities and the liberal intelligentsia .
17 The move brought into the open the so-called " Saddamgate " scandal , the rumbling allegations of which centred upon the charge that the Bush government had concealed that extent of its illegal support for Saddam Hussein prior to August 1990 .
18 For the Concordat , in theory at least , brought to a close the Investiture Contest of the twelfth century .
19 Course and the bomb gone on the broke the winches and that , and that had gone so far , you know , that timber , that has crushed the timber all , more or less all together .
20 In other moves , the Chancellor increased by a fifth the duty charged on free fuel supplied to company car users for private use and abolished the 50 per cent discount on this for drivers doing more than 18,000 business miles a year .
21 The top three results were posted by the new Sigma 35 in CHS 3 and the new J/35 in CHS 2 — the Westerly Typhoon scored 5th overall , with the J/44 4th — while Rob Boulter 's replacement for Alexa , the X-99 sunk in the Round the Island race , came 1st in CHS 1 .
22 Lay the slices up the sides , so that there are long flaps left to be folded over the enclosed the terrine .
23 ‘ Was the action taken by the British the proper thing to do ? ’ he asked down a crackling line from Buenos Aires to Woodward 's home in Surbiton , Surrey .
24 If anybody does want further information on A B Cs erm in the booklet in the information pack , the Your Pension booklet , it 's it 's actually handled through the Prudential the office in Reading but there is the address is given in booklet .
25 As the number of sections grow , another one is planned with the then the cost of having these section conferences will , I believe , become astronomical .
26 Constructed in the 30s the metro has over 200 KM of track , 138 stations and transports over 7 million passengers daily .
27 As the volume of Treasury bills declined in the 1970s the discount houses facilitated the rapid growth in the commercial bill market .
28 The next thing it was killed on the main the road !
29 On one side were the Goldsmiths ' Company 's arms , in gold , four yards in diameter , with the legend " Free Grammar School , Stockport " ; on the other the arms again , with " Founded and Endowed by Sir Edmond Shaa , Knight , 1487 ; Re-endowed by the Worshipful the Goldsmiths ' Company , 1832 " in gold letters .
30 Professor Charles Wilson views the effects of the Bubble as " salutary " , but considers that the taking over of so much of the South Sea Company 's excess stock by the Bank of England and East India Company perpetuated into the 1730s the situation in which more than half of the national debt was held by the great corporations .
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