Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It also enabled moderate Republicans to avoid an open break with Bush on the issue , and saved the Democrats from a potentially damaging veto battle which they seemed one vote short of winning and which would again have highlighted for white voters the identification of Democrats with minority issues .
2 The governor had other officials whose posts entitled them to sit in his executive council , but although they might have looked like potential ministers the legislative assemblies could not use them to control the governor and , as the governor had no automatic right to dismiss his councillors , he could not use them as his ministers either .
3 It uses modern technology to provide an extremely cost effective meal and it 's substituted with fresh items every day .
4 Once initial control has been achieved , a maintenance sclerotherapy programme should be instituted with repeated injections every three weeks or so until thrombosis of the varices has been achieved and subsequent periodic checks every three to six months to ensure maintenance of variceal occlusion .
5 In a scalloped sun-trap glade carpeted with misty bluebells a black cap sang .
6 The loss of an efficient officer , however , was not to be accepted without protest by the captain who lost his services , and Captain Robert Digby , for example , protested in strong terms the impending transfer of Midshipman Callender from his ship to Captain Keith Stewart 's Berwick in 1778 , pointing out that ‘ this Mr. Callender I made a midshipman myself upon finding Sir Lawrence Dundas was his friend ’ and complained of ‘ Scotch captains being allowed to pick the quarterdecks of other ships without the captain 's consent … ’
7 Chain-link fences and creeper-clad walls present no obstacle to a determined hedgehog , and unless your garden is completely surrounded by impenetrable walls a wandering hedgehog has probably passed through .
8 The next morning the Prior brought a letter for Corbett ; a simple note which said that Benstede had been attacked by unknown assailants the previous morning , that he was safe but advised Corbett to be most cautious .
9 Despite reports of ‘ fabulous ’ wages earned by manual workers the receipt of low pay remains the fate of many workers in Western industrial economies .
10 European intermediaries are accustomed instead to fixed-price offers that are underwritten by domestic institutions a few weeks in advance .
11 Carried by strong winds the rain is capable of travelling hundreds , even thousands of miles , from as far away as the USA to Britain .
12 Oakeshott calls an association formed of prudential practices an enterprise or transactional association .
13 I saw it twice , the second time to see what I 'd missed through racked sobs the first time .
14 Generalizations about the state of the towns in late medieval England are , however , risky ; each had its own history , which might be very different from that of its neighbour , and it is likely that even when more individual studies have been made of particular towns the general picture will be one of diversity rather than of similarity .
15 Have n't you always said the more you 've seen of other hospitals the more you 've realized there 's only one Benedict 's ? ’
16 Unless this is done under ideal conditions the herbage may break down slowly , and while the soil population is engaged in this breakdown there may be a retarding effect on the growth of a subsequent crop ; the benefit occurring later .
17 If the words are subdivided into similar verses the musical solution may be quite simple , but when this is not so an ideal musical form may not be easy to find .
18 Yet as Comecon 's major source of hydrocarbons the countries have felt in recent years the strain of cutbacks in Soviet oil exports as well as what they consider to be unfair trading terms caused by rising costs which they lack the economic freedom to renegotiate .
19 One quality that a good source should have is a relatively high temperature throughout the heating season , making ground-water pumped from shallow depths the best .
20 Other significant clauses granted to ecclesiastical students the same privileges as secular students ( notably deferment of military conscription ) , and allowed armed forces personnel to take part in acts of worship when off duty .
21 It should not be forgotten that where structural alterations are made to licensed premises the approval of the licensing justices is required in addition to planning permission .
22 The picture highlighted amongst other things the perceived role of the EPH , differences of opinion between members of staff about the value of existing information and the manner of communication , and the general consensus of opinion that the operation was a success if residents are happy ( shown as ‘ smiling faces ’ in the illustration ) .
23 We believe that this evidence buttresses our conclusion that any failure to take account of children classified as unoccupied runs the very real risk of understating the extent of child health inequalities .
24 Inside Sutton dredged up personal details , such as Murdoch insisting the fringes of his Indian carpets be combed into regimented lines every morning and that there must be no marks left behind by the wheels of the Hoover .
25 The study of social and economic aspects of early Anglo-Saxon society are still viewed as spin-offs from art-historical and technological study rather than topics worthy of treatment in their own right ; when thematic studies have been produced in recent years the themes have tended to remain based on site-types or artefacts rather than themes which may be more directly relevant to past human behaviour ( Wilson 1976a ) .
26 Members of the public have to depend on the press for information on which to base their opinions ; but if allegedly indecent films are always shown in closed courtrooms the press can not give the public the information which it may want and which is necessary for the formation of public opinion …
27 Although commonly used in recent years the red sun flag , like the anthem , had been banned by the post-Pacific War forces of US occupation because of its association with Japanese imperialism .
28 Whichever style is used in plotless ballets the choreographer should submit to the structure of the music , particularly if the score develops according to the classical techniques of composition .
29 The Park Row machine is one of several opened in recent weeks a various locations throughout Britain including the Rangers shop in Edmonston Drive , Glasgow , and the Scotmid supermarket in Old Edinburgh Road , Uddingston .
30 Yet his own researchers have confirmed that the ‘ British ’ tag on food has about as much impact now as ‘ made in Hong Kong ’ might have had on other commodities a couple of decades ago .
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