Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In contrast to the monasteries of the Middle Ages and the Baroque period as well as the 1930's concept originally intended for execution the new abbey is not designed as an enclosed , homogenous complex .
2 In December 1983 , the Lord Chancellor dismissed for misbehaviour an Old Bailey Circuit judge who had been fined £2000 on two charges of smuggling whisky and cigarettes .
3 On Sept. 24 , Gamsakhurdia declared a state of emergency — to come into force the following day — because " a military and civilian putsch is under way in the republic " .
4 Of course this notice would naturally not be signed by both parties as required by s. 2 , which had come into effect a few weeks before .
5 On June 21 the congress formally voted into existence the Communist Party of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic .
6 The straight chemical should be used dissolved in water no stronger than ½ ounce ( 14g ) per gallon ( 4.5 litres ) per square yard ( square metre ) .
7 This was usually discouraged in case the wild ape became too dependent on hand-outs .
8 The National Assembly passed on March 16 a series of revisions to the Temporary Provisions , which for 40 years had superseded the Constitution , enhanced presidential power and frozen in office the mainland-elected members of the various deliberative assemblies , pending hypothetical recovery of the mainland .
9 He did suggest , however , ending within the next year the Temporary Provisions — the 42-year-old state of emergency which had superseded the Constitution , enhanced the draconian powers of the presidency and security agencies and frozen in office the mainland-elected members of the various deliberative assemblies pending hypothetical recovery of mainland China .
10 The Provisions had superseded the Constitution , enhanced presidential powers and frozen in office the mainland-elected members of the various deliberative assemblies , pending hypothetical recovery of the mainland .
11 The Provisions , adopted in 1948 , had enhanced powers of the President and frozen in office the mainland-elected members of the various deliberative assemblies , pending hypothetical recovery of the mainland .
12 Expeditions led by a king were regarded as being of greater importance and were invariably larger than those led by others , however exalted in rank a royal lieutenant might be .
13 They were described as designed to disadvantage the fledgling opposition parties which could expect substantial support from West German sister parties .
14 There was a man being interviewed on tele the other night he said that these people are trying to destroy the English language by their
15 As he was picked to second the Loyal Address today , I think that he can confidently look forward after the next general election to a leading position on the Opposition Front Bench .
16 The handkerchief stifled at birth the terrible thought .
17 The awards are organised by Help the Aged and Tunstall Telecom to mark the accomplishments of elderly people .
18 Apparently they had come by train the previous night to the nearby station of Fidenza , from various camps in southern Italy .
19 One mistake could be the fatal mistake , and therefore conduct your conveyancing at your own pace , given of course the commercial constraints described above .
20 Almost drained of energy the two of them leave Kembel , once a jungle world , now just dust and sand .
21 He argued , convincingly , that noun phrases taken as a whole may quite often have a different temporal assignment from that of the verb which they accompany , as in : ( 37 ) I used to be a good friend of the police chief The underlined phrase may be understood as past relative to the time of utterance ( and hence in agreement with the time indicated by the verb ) or as present ; the two different time-values correspond to the two different continuations in : ( 38 ) … before he joined the force … until he was shot for corruption The first continuation would be compatible with an expansion of the subject phrase to the man who is the police chief , while the second would support the man who was the police chief .
22 This must also have secured for Oswiu an important diplomatic contact with the Kentish court of King Eorcenberht ( 640–64 ) , son of Eadbald , and re-established the former relationship which had prevailed in the time of Eadwine and Eadbald .
23 Either therefore I am being non-cooperative or I intend to convey something rather different : ( 34 ) Queen Victoria was made of iron The straightforward interpretation is that since Queen Victoria in fact lacked the definitional properties of iron , she merely had some of the incidental properties like hardness , resilience , non-flexibility or durability .
24 When the change with salmeterol was above the highest or below the lowest change seen with salbutamol the highest or lowest salbutamol dose was used in the analysis as a censored value .
25 These strange circumstances pushed into prominence the only Catholics who were not banned from attending the meeting .
26 By cutting the state salaries of clergy and ending religious domination of education , the republican government pushed into opposition the near 25% of the Spanish population who were Catholics .
27 The razzmatazz of a US election can be an education for anyone not fully versed in politics the American way , but just how does the rather involved system work ?
28 As exclusively revealed in Limit the 28-year-old rave whiz — who so far has sold 60,000 records — works for the Inland Revenue which bans staff from moonlighting .
29 This is vintage Biffen on 19 December 1990 in a speech in which he was kind enough to comment favourably on some remarks I had made in Parliament the previous week on the same subject :
30 A PALESTINIAN stabbed to death a Jewish man and wounded a woman at a Jerusalem bus stop yesterday before fleeing to a nearby Arab area , Israeli police said .
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