Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adj] [noun sg] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 She had conquered this feeling sufficiently to allow her to accept visits from her friends , and had overcome the apologetic murmurs that used to assail her as she opened her bedroom door ; she felt , in part , absolved by the wonderfully institutional shape of her room , which was on the third floor of a large block in the middle of Regents Park .
2 Various threatened vested interests seem to have designed this portrayal specifically to discourage any honest , in depth inquiry into the actual tenets of the field .
3 In those days it was considered bad form even to slap you on the back .
4 He gropes for the apt phrase ; it is considered bad form here to use words like ‘ hellish ’ .
5 They stand in water , which corresponds to their boggy native habitats , and are given additional light overnight to supplement the illumination from fluorescent strips ; such are the practicalities of plant-of-prey nurture .
6 We have already seen that failure satisfactorily to surmount the Oedipus complex results in pre-Oedipal fixations , notably at the anal and oral stages , and it may be here that we can find the primitive , rudimentary superego elements which can , and indeed must , remain when the mature superego does not develop .
7 " What if I 'd told him that the Avignon was carrying a young man named Charles Sherman who 's destined one day maybe to become the President of the United States ? "
8 ‘ He has n't done enough training yet to reach his peak .
9 He had seen enough terror there to last him the rest of his days .
10 ‘ Well , he 's got that job still to do , has n't he ?
11 Jürgen Habermas in Theorie des kommunikativen Handels ? has used this framework specifically to analyse the cultural realm , and the sketch below follows partly from Habermas .
12 The Reagan Administration has shown some willingness significantly to qualify these dismal and heavily criticised strategic ideas .
13 But it is doubtful whether they would have had any opportunity even to attempt that massive task if the years of the War had not profoundly changed public attitudes , and even softened the mind if not the heart of that great enemy of education and old boy of Harrow , Winston Churchill .
14 It must have amused that bastard greatly to write back saying you were betrothed .
15 Luke , the man who had such a low opinion of her and who had contrived this date presumably to serve his own devious ends , this man who had denied — yes , even earlier tonight — any involvement with Elise …
16 And Wimpey has gone one stage further to ensure that even the openings to which the windows are fitted reduce air leakage .
17 Pruning to the same hard degree invariably results in an explosion of growth , and such varieties are really much better given enough space elsewhere to do their own thing , and be treated as shrub roses .
18 Yet these proportions mask a more alarming phenomenon : the amount of new money that needs to be borrowed each year purely to pay off maturing debt .
19 This photograph , of a doctor , was one that had been taken some time previously to illustrate an article on long hours worked by junior doctors .
20 It is realistic to require , therefore , that the automatic system shall have achieved substantial control i.e. to have prevented further upward spread , by three minutes , before the flames rise out of the original level , or at least have not ignited the goods in the level above it .
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