Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] and [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 But Byrd 's fate , a year after Detroit Lions lineman Mike Utley was paralysed by a neck injury , has brought into sharp focus the perilous nature of a sport based upon fierce physical contact between men — many of them giants — whose bodies were never intended to absorb and administer such punishment .
2 Well the only encouraging initiative that I can speak of for West Sussex is the establishment of the Rural Options Land Bank and er I 've undertaken to try and get some county commitment to this and that means some land .
3 It is an exhibition designed to attract and reflect all aspects of health and leisure activities .
4 In problems on tort and criminal law the student is expected to enumerate and discuss all the possible torts or crimes that may have been committed on the facts given in the problem , and also all the possible defences that may be raised .
5 It is Government 's aim to create a class of full time professional farmers with sufficient land to provide a reasonable standard of living and , as a corollary , gradually to squeeze the subsistence cultivator off the land into full time alternative employment … the Master Farmers Scheme was designed to create and develop such farmers .
6 This summary of the Vale 's Environmental Charter follows this division , and clearly shows how the Vale 's policies are designed to protect and develop each aspect of the environment — both globally , and locally in this unique and beautiful area .
7 Jesus had had many interviews with people , we 've looked at some of them over these past few weeks , the time when he met with Nicademus , the religious leader , the time he went out of his way to meet with a woman of Semaria in her dyer need , the other occasion that we looked at er a week or so back when he called Anzakias from that tree of which he was hiding , last week his judge , pilot , but of all those interviews and as many others that we have n't looked at this surely must be one of the strangest as Jesus himself is in the process of dying and as he is dying he is confronted with another person who has a need , but Jesus your need is as greatest as any body elses , your pain , your suffering , your physical suffering was every bit of great as those around you , why be bothered with others is n't that so often our story , when we are in need we can forget all about other people , it does n't matter there need , its poor me , what about me , what about my need , what about my requirements , what about my suffering , but we see here how Jesus apart from any thing else deals with his own suffering , he deals with it by ministering to the needs of other people , and this surely then must be one of the most strange and one of the most interviews that our lord ever had when he was here on earth , with this dying thief , but he was more than a thief he was a er , he was a re a rebel , he was a terrorist or a freedom fighter depending on which way you wanted to look at it and he was dying for his crimes and he was n't alone because there there was this man we 've been talking about , there was Jesus and there was another one , another criminal on the other side and we find that this is all in keeping with what god had promised , all there in , in line with his prophecy way back in Iziah chapter fifty three , it tells us that he was numbered with the transgressors , that he died with sinful men with , with law breakers and here it is its happening right in front of the , the very eyes of the Jewish leaders and the jewish authorities our lords intention in coming into the world was to save men and women , to seek out and to save sinners , remember thirty odd years previous to this event the word had come , for Mary his mother , to Joseph , we will call his name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins and later on writing to Timothy the apostle Paul in the first chapter of the first book in verse fifteen he says it is a trust worthy statement deserving full acceptance that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners , this was his purpose , this was his reason for coming into the world , not to be a good man , not to be a , a great leader , not to give us some model that we can , you know , that we can plan our life out and try and live up to his standards , he says I 've come to give my life as a ransom , I have come to save and to seek that which was lost and here in this incident as he himself is dying and is in physical pain and torment he is carrying out this very work , of seeking out and saving of those who will turn to him , those who will put their trust in him , he is saving the lost , and we see in a wonderful how great the compassion of Jesus was and is , in reaching out and rescuing those who are lost , here we see our lord suffering the most terrible agony and yet in the midst of his own sorrow and pain and , and torment he thinks of this dying thief and extends his grace and mercy to him .
8 This was his purpose , this was his reason for coming into the world , not to be a good man , not to be a , er a great leader , not to give us some model that we can , you know , plan our life out and try and lie up to his standards , he says I have come to give my life as a ransom , I have come to save and to seek that which was lost .
9 He himself came , the son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost .
10 Jesus said , I have come to seek and to save that which is lost .
11 If a pupil is to enter the mind and feelings of more than one person in the past then classroom activities must be designed to facilitate and promote this .
12 Geographical Information Systems ( GIS ) are designed to store and manipulate such data .
13 And I can do nothing for you because I 've come to rescue and seek that which is lost , and which is aware of it .
14 Electric Ecology looks at the surprising variety of plants and animals that have co colonized this land and that the efforts that are made to monitor and foster this wild life .
15 No one can deny that millions are made to suffer and die each year in laboratories all over the world .
16 While they were there , complicated moves were made to try and have these orders extended by a Children 's Panel Hearing in Inverness , but the case was sent back to the Orkney Panel .
17 Attempts have been made to try and address this problem in relation to the needs of all children and families .
18 This was surprising in view of the fact that , under this Act , it is the local authorities who are empowered to provide and maintain such buildings , vehicles , apparatus , and equipment as may be required for the police purposes of their area .
19 It is said to model and coordinate all components of a work process intuitively , including the people , procedures and data , and offers real-time access to the status of things .
20 But we saw enough to be grateful that so much is being done to protect and conserve this rich heritage and , driving on lead-free petrol , we felt comfortable knowing that we were doing our bit .
21 But we saw enough to be grateful that so much is being done to protect and conserve this rich heritage and , driving on lead free petrol , we felt comfortable knowing that we were doing our bit .
22 Forty per cent is insignificant , the sixty per cent was still owned by the man and his company , and somebody in the organisation , I know this sounds fairly tall , had said go and get this company to do this , because it works for us , Commercial Union .
23 and she 's had to go and buy some that had gone , and I says well I , she says it 's just burning it up that fire
24 By reading good examples of descriptions , explanation , opinions , etc and by being given purposeful opportunities to write their own , they should be helped to plan and produce these more demanding types of writing .
25 The development of more selective PKC inhibitors and , in particular , subtype-specific inhibitors are needed to confirm and extend these ideas .
26 I 've got to go and do some work
27 So some of those are items you ca n't satisfy what you need , anyway , so it 's gon na obviously have to be , somebody 's got to go and satisfy some of those .
28 I 've got to go and earn some pennies yes
29 Now do n't I 've got to go and get that coffee else it 'll be boiling over
30 Got to go and get another crate of Sam 's .
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