Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] and [vb infin] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But Byrd 's fate , a year after Detroit Lions lineman Mike Utley was paralysed by a neck injury , has brought into sharp focus the perilous nature of a sport based upon fierce physical contact between men — many of them giants — whose bodies were never intended to absorb and administer such punishment .
2 Well the only encouraging initiative that I can speak of for West Sussex is the establishment of the Rural Options Land Bank and er I 've undertaken to try and get some county commitment to this and that means some land .
3 Various groups within the party were formed to try and achieve particular objectives .
4 They have been heard to scream and leave frantic claw marks .
5 The projects are partially funded by the European Community 's Trade EDI Systems , TEDIS , programme , which is intended to encourage and promote increased EDI usage within the European Economic Area , covering the European Free Trade Association countries as well as the European Community .
6 But its existence meant that Britain had joined the other major states of Europe in providing herself with a minister and an administrative machine designed to conduct and control foreign policy .
7 The plan falls within the aims of the UNESCO 's World Decade of Cultural Development ( 1988–1997 ) and is designed to stimulate and develop Latin American/Caribbean culture through the appropriate use of audio visual media .
8 The Constitution is therefore not merely a body of rules equally applicable to all citizens , but also a body of rules specially designed to benefit and protect given groups …
9 It is an exhibition designed to attract and reflect all aspects of health and leisure activities .
10 In problems on tort and criminal law the student is expected to enumerate and discuss all the possible torts or crimes that may have been committed on the facts given in the problem , and also all the possible defences that may be raised .
11 It is Government 's aim to create a class of full time professional farmers with sufficient land to provide a reasonable standard of living and , as a corollary , gradually to squeeze the subsistence cultivator off the land into full time alternative employment … the Master Farmers Scheme was designed to create and develop such farmers .
12 A course designed to extend and practise commercial English .
13 This summary of the Vale 's Environmental Charter follows this division , and clearly shows how the Vale 's policies are designed to protect and develop each aspect of the environment — both globally , and locally in this unique and beautiful area .
14 But U.S. attack submarines , designed to hunt and destroy other subs and surface ships , seldom move on the surface of the ocean .
15 Thus when faced with a specification such as the following for so-called ‘ executive information systems ’ , one wonders exactly how the system is expected to filter and compress critical data received from the external environment ! :
16 The term refers to the law applied to these areas , which was designed to maintain and encourage wild animals , principally deer , and the greenery on which they depended .
17 If a pupil is to enter the mind and feelings of more than one person in the past then classroom activities must be designed to facilitate and promote this .
18 S/he will be expected to research and keep abreast of issues faced in urban and frontier mission amongst young people and to represent the Trust where necessary .
19 Geographical Information Systems ( GIS ) are designed to store and manipulate such data .
20 The information I had on my own troops was also of a general , somewhat amateurish nature , but I did know that , put in its simplest form , my immune system was a collection of several kinds of cells designed to attack and destroy foreign bodies .
21 The right thought we were too soft on primary school children , who should be expected to speak and write Standard English as soon as they arrive in the classroom .
22 And I can do nothing for you because I 've come to rescue and seek that which is lost , and which is aware of it .
23 Mahwah , New Jersey-based Israeli company Defense Software & Systems Inc says it agreed with Israel Corp Ltd for a joint venture to be incorporated in the US to hold an 80.1% interest in Tower Semiconductor Ltd , the name chosen for the company being formed to own and operate National Semiconductor Corp 's existing facility in Migdal Haemek , Israel , running it as an independent semiconductor business .
24 As a focal point for commercial interests in the community , Chambers of Commerce are often ideally placed to initiate and support local crime prevention projects .
25 From the 1920s onward , efforts were made to rationalize and control southern whaling , notably through the International Whaling Commission ; protective measures included prohibitions on the killing of the most heavily depleted species , protecting immature whales and females with calves , and the introduction of seasonal quotas .
26 Electric Ecology looks at the surprising variety of plants and animals that have co colonized this land and that the efforts that are made to monitor and foster this wild life .
27 On rare occasions , these chimpanzees have been seen to kill and eat other animals such as young baboons and bushbuck .
28 No one can deny that millions are made to suffer and die each year in laboratories all over the world .
29 This means that certain atoms , which decay straight back to the ground state , can be made to absorb and re-emit thousands of photons during their transit across the laser beam .
30 While they were there , complicated moves were made to try and have these orders extended by a Children 's Panel Hearing in Inverness , but the case was sent back to the Orkney Panel .
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