Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] at the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 They had arranged to meet at the Metropole Hotel .
2 Terence was Jessica 's cousin , who had come sniffing at the Cultra house a couple of times early in Karen 's visit .
3 On this occasion , his uncle , the peppery old Nabob , was bidden to dine at the Cecil Hotel , in order that it might be proved to him that a respectable curry could be had outside the portals of the East India Club .
4 In an attempt to forestall or derail Microsoft Corp 's likely objections to its WABI Windows Applications Binary Interface for running Windows applications under Unix , Sun Microsystems Inc is expected to reveal at the WABI launch tomorrow that it has orchestrated a Public Windows Initiative pressure group of vendors that will attempt to force Microsoft to open up , if not make public , its future plans for the Win16 16-bit application programming interface for Windows 3.1 , this week 's issue of our sister paper Unigram.X reports .
5 Now , the happy couple have decided to marry at the Ipswich Register Office on August 14 .
6 ‘ Have you decided to stay at the Olive ? ’
7 So far 11 clubs have agreed to meet at the Nelson Pub in Brownlees on February 20 .
8 Most travellers with their wits about them and an eye for aesthetics would have preferred to rest at the Bates Motel .
9 The Rex/Olympia doubling soon finished but before they could relax to a comparatively simple regime of five shows a day , they were told to double at the Paramount .
10 In 1933 he joined the Old Vic Company for an impressive range of stage work ( Henry VIII again , The Cherry Orchard , Macbeth , Measure for Measure , The Tempest ) and in 1936 he was the first English actor ever to be invited to appear at the Comédie Française in Paris , where he played Molière 's Le Médecin Malgré Lui .
11 We were delighted to have been invited to exhibit at the Grosvenor House Fair , which attracts a more diverse audience .
12 A SHAKESPEARE play which was scheduled to open at the Liverpool Empire on Monday has been cancelled .
13 The favour was reciprocated when Dire Straits were re-formed to play at the Nelson Mandela birthday concert at Wembley Stadium , where Clapton helped out on guitar .
14 Throughout the spring , talk of invasion was on everyone 's lips ; those who could help to fund the new military force did so , while others , providing they were householders or ‘ such other Persons as shall be recommended by two Householders ’ , were invited to enlist at the George Inn , ‘ … where such persons as are willing to join the Frome Selwood Volunteers , either cavalry or infantry , are requested to attend and sign their names ’ .
15 Our links with the Women 's League of Health and Beauty were further strengthened on 21 April when Jean Parmiter was invited to teach at the East Midlands Associated Members ' Annual Reunion , held in Groby , Leicestershire .
16 Many of Charles 's ideas sprang from a memorable visit to Boston in September 1986 , when he had been invited to speak at the Harvard 350th Commemoration Ceremony .
17 The public hearing of Virgin Atlantic 's application for a licence to fly between Gatwick and Newark was scheduled to begin at the Holborn offices of the Civil Aviation Authority ( CAA : the regulatory body of the airline industry ) on 1 March .
18 Some of these engines ran for well over a century before being discarded , and particularly fine and huge specimens can be found operating at the Kew steam engine museum .
19 Christine Campbell 's body had remained hidden at the Swindon Guest House for several days .
20 NEW commissionaires have been appointed to work at the Barlaston Lodges .
21 Nottingham Crown Court heard that Allitt had gone to live at the Jobson home in 1991 .
22 The second element was that I had just started working at the London School of Economics in October 1970 , which was exactly the same time as GLF started meeting there and LSE was in one of its periods of turmoil which involved me as someone working on the staff and excited me politically .
23 Because of the nature of his studies he was sent to work at the Esso refinery at Fawley .
24 Castleton makes a suitable base and heading west towards the ridge , you may be tempted to pause at the Speedwell , Treak Cliff and Blue John caverns .
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