Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And we are fascinated to know that this approach has been shown to be so effective in a remote part of the Far East where our cassettes are transported on the back of a motorcycle !
2 The train lover was fascinated to find that most journeys are undertaken on the railway because Chinese roads are not up to Western standards .
3 The reason why many ethologists would now prefer to explain ritualization as an arms race is that they have increasingly come to realize that selfish competition among individuals is the rule in the animal world .
4 Belinda had been slightly unnerved to find that this man was Faye Hamilton 's obstetrician , and was rather alarmed at the prospect of spending a block of time in his elegant office , becoming familiar with the case history of her new patient .
5 A couple of paragraphs of lay anthropology were added to suggest that black people in Africa had accomplished ‘ virtually nothing ’ before ‘ the White Man came ’ .
6 The disaster was all the more stunning because people had come to assume that such things did n't happen .
7 Serious UFO researchers have come to recognise that these stories are essentially subjective .
8 However , if the condition in question were designed to ensure that all operators of fishing vessels were based in the United Kingdom , it would inhibit the export of fish by British flag vessels to other member states and so constitute a breach of article 34 of the E.E.C .
9 Detailed regulations are in place which are designed to ensure that all employees give the highest priority to the health and safety of themselves , and those around them .
10 So , those who support the Public Service Ideal advocate specific mechanisms designed to ensure that political coverage is wide-ranging , balanced , and impartial , as well as being independent of the state .
11 The President of Fiji , Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau , formally promulgated a new Constitution on July 25 , which was designed to ensure that political power remained in the hands of the country 's ethnic Melanesian population .
12 He thought , not for the first time , that a system which required ministers to run their departments , fulfil their parliamentary responsibilities , and spend the weekend listening to the grievances of their constituents , might have been designed to ensure that major decisions were made by men and women tired to the point of exhaustion .
13 It involves close cooperation between central and local authorities and is designed to ensure that large scale developments bring the greatest possible benefit to the areas in which they are sited through , for example , the use of local labour and materials .
14 The German government 's proposals for new regulations designed to ensure that most packaging material is recycled by the year 1995 [ see ED no. 47 ] , are meeting criticism from industrial sources .
15 On waste , the government intends to introduce a system of credits designed to ensure that local authorities get on target to meet the goal of 25 per cent recycling of household waste by 2000 .
16 Ronald Wright 's re-telling of the fate of the indigenous people is far more than another manifestation of the popular pastime of Columbus-bashing designed to ensure that this year 's quincentennial celebrations should be suitably controversial .
17 The diversity of museum collections in general requires that these practices be sufficiently flexible to accommodate the unusual object or set of circumstances , and yet sufficiently disciplined to ensure that realistic standards can be established and maintained .
18 By the time Durkheim came to write Two Laws of Penal Evolu-tion , he had modified his theory about the decline in importance of the conscience collective ( a phrase he ceased to use ) and had come to believe that collective sentiments were a crucial factor in any society .
19 But Sony is expected to argue that this contract has moral and legal force , was freely negotiated and is of a type common in the industry .
20 I think I 've come to realise that Western dress is shallow .
21 I feel myself shudder ; I have come to learn that such touchings normally precede a trip to the Dark .
22 The very fact that the installation of a protective system is considered presupposes that some degree of control of the fire is desired , and if this is the case , the degree of control required must be capable of being quantified .
23 To protect themselves , they were to be permitted to say that this differential was being implemented ‘ at the Minister 's request ’ .
24 He was then involved in civil defence and he took me to see a trial designed to show that air-raid shelters built to government specifications were death-traps .
25 They went to the pub with Air Marshal 's ranking chalked on their uniforms , windows were smashed to prove that broken glass need not draw blood , there were tremendous fights , he lived at the local hall , there was game , there were bounties we never saw in London — he sailed very very close to the law during that period . ’
26 Erm authorities are expected to show that environmental concerns have been comprehensively and consistently taken into adv erm account in their plans .
27 In the final version , however , the wording had been amended to state that foreign banking markets were required to provide equivalent , but not necessarily identical , access facilities to EC banks if they wanted to trade within the EC ; it was also agreed that any foreign banks which were already trading legally within the EC would not need to reapply for authorization .
28 Both Annie and Elizabeth were disturbed to find that each morning brought fresh fox tracks circling the hen huts .
29 His friend Lauder once attended such a service and was moved to comment that this assembling of the deaf was an affecting spectacle :
30 One afternoon in late October we heard on a local radio station that someone , claiming to speak for Islamic Jihad , had phoned to announce that two Americans would be executed .
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