Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What is he going to say when he discovers that he is expected to transmit the first report from an advisory unit in the history of government to include an account of the Director 's domestic arrangements ?
2 They were working up to the crucial ( as it was then ) question of how and why she had come to identify the first body as Uncle Mossycop 's .
3 " The problem was he omitted to divorce the first wife .
4 Year II of the core subjects is designed to develop the first year taxonomy of skills at a problem-solving and decisional level and to provide an integrative view of the office environment .
5 If no notification is made prepare the first absence letter to be issued .
6 Today the Fothergill Fountain can be seen regaling the first president 's achievements .
7 The Irish Ordnance Survey Memoirs are descriptions of the northern half of Ireland , written to accompany the first Ordnance Survey maps between 1830 and 1840 .
8 It was all hands on deck as the crew of the Soren Larsen , prepared to lift the first part of the ship 's 100 ft foremast back into place .
9 That type may then be broken up or ‘ distributed ’ , if the publisher has decided to limit the first edition to a stated number , or if there is no demand for additional copies .
10 To compliment and complete the Scandinavian experience we ‘ ve been having this winter , The Whitworth Art Gallery and the Fitzwilliam Museum have collaborated to organise the first exhibition here of Norway 's most outstanding landscape painters , Johan christian Dahl ( 1788–1857 ) and Thomas Fearnley ( 1802–42 ) .
11 The feature close would have the value + for , , , , and we could also use this for and if we adopt the convention that most of the features will be used to classify the first part of the diphthongs .
12 ICTU has agreed to include the first point in their Agenda at their Biennial Conference .
13 The ticketholder of the first ticket drawn has the first choice of artwork .
14 By this time Mozart had been commissioned to write the first opera for the carnival in Milan the following year .
15 A 450bp SstI-XhoI probe C was used to detect the first intron HS sites 5A and 5B .
16 you see , if you put a line it costs you about a hundred a thirty quid now I think , but according to what they tell me , once a line has been in for a year if you put a line in , you 've got to pay the first year , its got ta be in for a year , if you have it taken out before the year , you 'll still be due for the rental on it
17 New appointees were : as Finance Minister , Mihaly Kupa ( an economist who , under the former " reform communist " regime , helped draft the first income tax system in Eastern Europe ) ; and as Ministers without portfolio Ernö Pungor ( head of the state office for technology development and of the national nuclear energy committee ) , Katalin Botos ( hitherto Rabar 's deputy in her post as State Secretary for Finance ) , and Andras Galszecsy ( who took over from Boross responsibility for the state security services ) .
18 Strach said before the match ‘ if we get the first goal , then there 's only gon na be one winner ’ — fair enough , but you 've got to get the first goal .
19 There is , however , the difference that in those cases the control is used to investigate the first instability whereas here it is needed only for the later stages .
20 The Chelsea goalkeeper had agreed to join the First Division club as cover for Alan Knight .
21 Because of the need to keep premiums in line with claims we have reluctantly had to make the first increase in our basic BUILDINGS rate for many years .
22 We are delighted to report that Lady More has agreed to become the first president of the Society and has given us a most generous donation in memory of her husband .
23 A prospectus was drawn up and students with suitable qualifications were invited to attend the first course in 1977 .
24 Goodall had been invited to referee the First Division game between Tarbes and Brive .
25 Scheduled to ship the first week of June , OpenView SNMP is priced at $7,000 , Distributed Management costs $8,000 and HP 's OpenView Network Node Manager costs $15,000 .
26 Ruth had volunteered to cook the first meal .
27 The second page of the option will then be displayed showing the first page of the first mail message in the list .
28 The second page will then be displayed showing the first mail message you selected .
29 He had supported Pennethorne 's design because it was the cheapest and did not encroach on the park , but if they abandoned that design they were bound to take the first prize design , ‘ but as there was some difficulty about that ’ , it should go to the second prize-winners .
30 There are even some ( not you , of course ! ) who have been known to lick the first finger of the right hand and dip it into the bottom of the packet , so that those tiny remaining crumbs of crisp can be finished off .
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