Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] the [adj -est] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The fed state replaces fasting activity during ingestion of a nutrient meal and this motility state was also examined using the MBEST scanning technique .
2 At the back of the hotel the army suddenly produced a generator designed to penetrate the deepest slumber and then added a searchlight which they shone , lighting up not only the surrounding countryside in their search for Red Brigade terrorists , but our hotel rooms as well .
3 The District Council has accommodated the highest proportion of Greater York growth of all the districts surrounding York over the last ten years , and therefore I think it likely that it would expected to accommodate the largest proportion of the fourteen hundred dwellings that would be accommodated in the new settlement , erm I do not think that any of the settlements or that there is sufficient land within the Southern Ryedale area to accommodate that level of development without adversely affecting character of the settlements , or compromising greenbelt objectives , as I mentioned this morning , and also I question whether or not erm whether th most of the settlements in the Southern Ryedale area have only a minimal s minimal service base anyway on which to tack any large housing growths , and I do n't necessarily foresee any subsequent rise in the service base of those settlements as a result of the housing being added on to them .
4 This analysis would be expected to provide the best chance of demonstrating a treatment effect , but no such response was found .
5 In practice a combination of teaching methods and media can be expected to provide the best basis for programmes of library user education , different methods being adapted to different parts of the programme and to the teachers and students concerned .
6 However , George Earl 's oil painting ‘ St Bernards in a snow drift ’ , ( above ) is expected to attract the highest bid .
7 There is a misapprehension that Northern Ireland is the only category 1 area that will not benefit from that , but that fund is designed to help the poorest member states , not poorer regions or provinces within the more prosperous nations .
8 He is also chairman of Lloyd 's , the insurance market which is expected to announce the worst loss in its 300-year history later this month .
9 A life assurance contract is designed to give the best return if the investment is maintained for the full term .
10 A life assurance contract is designed to give the best return if the investment is maintained for the full term .
11 Japan , which was expected to pay the largest share of the UN 's cost in Cambodia , had announced its intention to organize a donors ' conference in Tokyo before March 1992 .
12 The horse with the highest rating in each race is deemed to have the best chance on form , though other influences will be discussed in the guide .
13 The horse with the highest rating in each race is deemed to have the best chance on form , though other influences will be discussed in the guide .
14 These high-performance , rugged tools are claimed to offer the best value for money on the market for the enthusiastic d-i-yer and tradesman , and for the first time offer the possibility of a battery recharging time of just a quarter of an hour .
15 The Houston compromise was expected to facilitate the latest round of GATT negotiations on trade in agricultural products which opened in Geneva on July 23 .
16 They 're the side of Freud , that has tended to be ignored , even by the people you would 've expected to take the greatest notice of them .
17 But the nearly complete reconstruction of the artist 's only polyptych , ‘ Study for a Pope I-VI ’ ( 1961 ) , is expected to arouse the greatest interest .
18 While whole hops are repeatedly claimed to produce the best hop character in a beer , problems may be encountered .
19 The plan is designed to make the best use of these resources and to protect that best use into the future .
20 The Flagship Collection , consisting of modular units , was designed to make the best use of space against a wall , or free standing .
21 Within the specialist facilities for a sport priority is given to projects which are expected to produce the highest level of participants .
22 Each Penthouse has its own individual character , and is built using the highest quality materials and fittings , ensuring a superb finish throughout .
23 In this case , only a fraction of the words from any sub-list need to be searched to find the best match .
24 When this is established ( it may be the empty string ) the tail list is searched to find the longest string available from the remaining part of the word ( i.e. the word minus the head string ) .
25 Because of the scale of increase in the older population , however , it is the very old and frail who are seen to represent the greatest challenge to the health and community care services .
26 Letters to his father in 1928 revealed how he had grown to love the oldest part of the Bodleian — Duke Humfrey 's Library .
27 More people die of respiratory infections than any other cause in Mexico City , which is said to have the dirtiest air in the world .
28 Near the Lindenhof there is St Peter 's church , which is said to have the largest clock face in Europe ( nearly 29ft in diameter ) .
29 Among the countries listed , the UK is seen to have the highest percentage .
30 Learning to understand how your dog 's mind works makes things much easier , so why ca n't we welcome someone — like a home visitor — prepared to explain the quickest way to do this ?
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