Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] [pron] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was , understandably , the peace which was essential information for the descendants , for it influenced their present actions to some extent ; and the solemnities were intended to impose themselves on the memory of the participants and witnesses and their children .
2 It suddenly crossed my mind that perhaps he thought I had come to see him on a professional level , that I was in need of spiritual help or whatever .
3 In 1929 an architect was engaged and recommended doing nothing on the clubhouse .
4 The landlord 's wife was expected to accompany him on the trip to Head Office .
5 ‘ I would not have expected to accompany you on a romantic walk with your girlfriend , ’ Jenna said hotly , her cheeks flushing at this idea of being relegated to invalidity again .
6 ‘ I 've come to advise you on the last two appointments to your team . ’
7 Only the instructor had done better and none of the officers who had come to amuse themselves on the range had more than a dozen hits out of 18 rounds .
8 I may be wrong , but I suspect that deep down , Monica , who is remarkably mature in many ways for her age , has enjoyed dangling us on a string , not only over the Wimbledon issue but also over her last minute non appearance at the Federation Cup and all the mutterings of official disapproval which that caused .
9 After four years in the explosives division , his management potential had been spotted and moves were made to launch him on a management development programme of rotation to broaden his experience .
10 ‘ His condition was obvious and they must have decided to pull him on the way home . ’
11 His brother Gavin frets him , and he has a longing for Gavin 's wife , together with a more urgent one for a teacher at the school , Alison Houston , who could be felt to lead him on a bit but does n't want to have a ‘ relationship ’ with him .
12 On the other hand apologists for such policies rarely if ever sought to justify them on the grounds that they would reduce the real wage rate à la Malinvaud .
13 The rich North Italian industrial city of Turin has decided to put itself on the international map with a biennial art and antiques fair to be held at the Lingotto , the spectacular former Fiat car factory , from 27 February to 7 March .
14 That 's why 67-year old George Bush has been seen humiliating himself on a tennis court and going on daily runs .
15 Vechey had decided to hang himself on the last .
16 Titles stocked are selected to develop themselves on the morning and evening sermons .
17 The kitchen and the one spare bedroom were constantly , noisily occupied , the doorbell rang at all hours , and once , answering it , a man she had never seen struck her on the side of the head with an empty bottle and told her to leave his wife alone .
18 They had almost stopped resuscitating him on the grounds that the doctor had n't remembered his diagnosis .
19 Used to hit them on the arm , never on the head .
20 Indeed , the national is often a concept used deliberately to conceal conflict over the issues , to force one kind of unity around an existing status quo ( and if the arguments do not achieve unity , troops can be used to enforce it on the recalcitrants ) .
21 I 'll tell you this , I 've always had to like him on the job .
22 And you 'll be pleased to know that Frank Dobson has agreed to meet us on the fourteenth of June and we will make sure , to the best of our effort , that that policy will be endorsed .
23 and they 've got to sell them on the waiting list
24 IBM Corp was scheduled to make an ‘ operational announcement ’ on its Adstar storage business in San Jose just after we closed on Friday , but we have to assume that it was not anything sufficiently dramatic that it would move the share price , otherwise the company would have had to announce it on the New York Stock Exchange before the market opened to prevent a false market operating in the shares ; the announcement was to be made by vice-chairman Jack Kuehler , and was also to include some personnel news ; IBM has been studying ways to separate Adstar from the rest of the company , Dow Jones & Co notes , and earlier this year , it hired Morgan Stanley & Co and the Boston Consulting Group to recommend ways to speed up the process , which could involve outside investors or a new class of IBM share — and those advisors were scheduled to be done with the preliminary work by now ; a first step would likely be the creation of Adstar as a wholly-owned subsidiary — it has kept separate books since last year ; but the IBM spokesman said some observers might be surprised by the announcement , which was to be concerned with Adstar 's ‘ operations as an IBM business unit and its future direction . ’
25 Mr Cruickshank has spent just over three years in charge of the Scottish health service and has helped set it on the Government 's controversial road to self-governing hospitals and fund-holding family doctor practices .
26 You 've got to do one on the slip off and one on the slip on , at the same part
27 And believe it or not we 've got to put him on a high chair to enable him to manage his instrument . ’
28 Touch wood , I 've never had to dope him on the lorry .
29 You 've got to repeat everything on the board is he ?
30 It is thought that a sum of about £5,000 will be needed to carry the scheme through successfully and that a membership of 300 would be needed to maintain it on a sound basis .
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