Example sentences of "[vb pp] [noun] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was a small , partly hidden gully at the base of the cliff and there , grazing on the scurvy grass , was yet another bear .
2 And I accept there are a number here of items , I mean there 's er another one that Peter mentions which was the er large thorn plants to discourage the children from climbing the newly erected fence at the nature reserve .
3 We submitted a carefully considered response at the end of June , since when there has been a deafening silence .
4 In the great days of Suleiman the Magnificent the sultan 's armies reached the gates of Vienna in 1529 , having already subdued Hungary at the battle of Mohács three years earlier .
5 My business statement every week is based on the position as I see it at the time and we have organised matters at the time .
6 Over 40 years ' experience of the nuclear industry has installed AEA at the forefront of decommissioning technology in the UK and worldwide .
7 Enthoven pointed out that whereas the NHS efficiently contained costs at the macro-level it provided few incentives to consistently reward efficiency and high performance at the micro-level , and indeed penalised both .
8 These are tensioned in the ‘ down ’ position by an elastic or bungee , one end of which is hooked on the bowsprit , and the other linked to a trip line which runs through the two sails to the slotted tube at the rear , where it is retained by the release pin .
9 Brazilian environmentalists have expresssed outrage at the ruling , which has also been strongly criticised by the prosecution lawyer .
10 Pemberton has added pace at the back , Wallace and Deane are hitting form ( as I predicted they would ) .
11 However , once they have destroyed six Part-Gargoyles , then assume that the adventurers have managed to reach the warded door at the end ( location 14 ) .
12 It was opposed , on the French side , by virtually the same principle which , for all the emotional resurgence of Jacobin principles that may have suffused France at the end of the war , had faded by comparison with the raw and remorseless nationalism that was waiting to engulf the French from one end of Vietnam to the other .
13 If all this sounds like over-egged exhibitionism at the expense of the music , then it probably is , but only because songs like ‘ Crackerjack ’ and the next single ‘ Take It ’ — with its Rude Boy quotes and even a wah-wah guitar solo are belters .
14 Roy had sat Janine at the kitchen table and was standing beside her .
15 The £10,000 scheme has lifted spirits at the school which is close to imported coal mountains at Gladstone Dock .
16 Although Arminius , who had taught theology at the University of Leyden , was in most respects an orthodox Protestant , on the question of salvation he had turned his back on a century of Reformed theology by arguing against the extreme predestinarian theology of Calvin 's successor at Geneva , Theodore Beza .
17 But , however this may be , the pope proceeded to the practical consequences of the new state of affairs : those who had already received lay investiture , or done homage , or consecrated others who had received lay investiture , were absolved ; for the future , those who received ecclesiastical preferment and did homage to the king could be consecrated , provided that they had not received investiture at the king 's hands ; and this was to continue until the heart of the king was softened by the rain of Anselm 's preaching .
18 Cumberland was four months younger than Prince Charles , though , like him , he had seen action at the age of 13 .
19 Might even have felt displeasure at the prospect .
20 PC Alan Fraser , 33 , told the court that he had seen Sutherland at the scene of the explosion .
21 As he left the village he passed the field where he had first seen Tess at the dance .
22 When he 'd said he 'd seen Stephen at the funeral she 'd felt afraid of him for a moment .
23 Having just seen Topper at the Princess the week before , I had all I needed to complete my erotic evaporation fantasies .
24 Leoni was an adventurer in the service of Charles V and Phillip II of Spain , and also claimed — rightly , it would appear — to have seen service at the oar of a rowed galley .
25 CONFERENCE : The Faculty of the Built Environment at the University of Greenwich has organised a conference on construction opportunities in Russia .
26 This difference , together with the obliquity , made it necessary on the one hand to excavate to a considerable depth at the bottom and to add a 30 foot embankment of made ground at the top , involving a vast amount of earth moving that , on the face of it seems hardly to have been necessary .
27 Mubarak had returned from a visit to Tripoli the previous day , while Kadhafi had visited Cairo at the beginning of July to conclude the ratification of 10 integration agreements signed by the two countries .
28 Moments later he had led her up a short stairway , through the heavily bolted door at the top , and out of the building , and Isabel had recognised the alley leading to the wash-houses and pressing-rooms , which lay between the towering keep and the curtain wall .
29 ‘ I am sad we have not been afforded the same welcome given to the Beirut hostages , ’ he told a deeply moved audience at the AGM last month .
30 In view of the deeply felt resentment at the reign of Bayezid I on the part of at least the more pious elements of the state , it seems not impossible that Murad II ( 1421–51 ) who , alter Mehmed I ( 1413–21 ) , set about re-establishing the integrity and order of the Ottoman state , decided to provide an answer to the critics of the secular state by the creation of an office to represent the spiritual authority of the seriat , an office , moreover , free from the taint that had come to affect the members of the ulema associated with the state service .
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