Example sentences of "[vb past] quite [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He is probably most famous for his fighter designs during World War Two although personally he was much more interested in small sporting types of which he designed quite a number over the years .
2 And it looked as if she had been stabbed with a weapon that had a central rib ; the wound gaped quite a bit in the middle .
3 And er we , we did erm we , we started making er bench models because we found quite a lot of these had been made in Germany .
4 Yes , where erm my next neighbour gave me some stuff erm , then I went into her shed cos she had erm , some mice problems so dad went in there to have a look round , seeing the poison were wore off and we found quite a lot of old gardening chu , tools .
5 Well , yeah er we we had a fair amount of chemical er troubles erm mainly spillages , bad packaging , erm a few accidents erm , and very little information in those early days erm there was a lot of nasty chemicals going around which erm very little information followed it and people were being quite seriously injured , firemen included , policemen and others were getting involved with these things , and I got myself involved quite a lot with the various bodies that deal with chemicals , like the Chemical Industry Association , and people of that kind , trying to make things a bit safer , and taking up cases where spillages had occurred and , and accidents had happened er to try to get to the bottom of it and try to improve the situation and er I was n't alone , most Chief Officers were working that way and certainly the London Fire Brigade did it , did no end of work with producing , what is now commonly known as the coding and , and a system of , of erm er marking containers of chemicals so that people can understand how to deal with them , so that that was quite an interesting area which , even now I 'm now retired I still have a little hand in that with er chemicals er in my few moments I have spare I , I get involved with that side , which I enjoy .
6 So I had a bit of an up and a downer and er erm created quite a stir with erm Mr the Clerk of the Council Professor .
7 It created quite a stir on the camp when they left , as it was decided they would take all their ground crews with them in gliders .
8 She was probably about twenty at the time and on her return created quite a furore among the ladies with her hair shingled in the latest fashion and sporting lipstick and rouge which was almost unknown at that period .
9 On the higher literary level it rubbished quite a bit of Hardy and much of D.H.Lawrence .
10 But after all , ’ he added , in self-excuse , ‘ you fantasised quite a lot of things about Sergei and me , in the novels . ’
11 I also caused quite a stir as Moby Dick , and pulled pints as the fat barman at the Dog & Duck in Stratford — well , they ca n't all be famous !
12 Finding it caused quite a stir in the brass band world .
13 NEW-born baby lambs caused quite a stir in Stewart Park , Middlesbrough , on their first public outing in yesterday 's sunshine .
14 And that caused quite a bit of resentment , I can tell you — the Americans and the Japanese competing for our future .
15 My leaving Lula caused quite a scandal in Berlin ; but that period with her could have been deadly for me .
16 It caused quite a sensation in the camp and people were flocking down from far and wide to have a good view , so we were informed later .
17 And I think it it caused quite a lot of hassle and difficulty for people with young children .
18 Now maybe the person that ran the book did n't really need to use all that , so at at the end of a a year , say for instance , they 'd quite a bit of money lying on that that black book .
19 So he 'd quite a lot of work to do when he was quite young .
20 Each of us consumed quite a bit of time on the complications .
21 Bit I learnt quite a lot in , from the back you know , in the terraced .
22 He told quite a lot of people what he 'd seen .
23 ‘ We certainly ate quite a lot of that , did n't we ? ’
24 During our journey we noticed quite a lot of work being done on several station platforms .
25 So you played quite a bit in the classics during training .
26 You said that your grandmother played quite a part in your upbringing after your mother died .
27 In fact , he would have made an ideal barrister — and he defended quite a lot of men who were indicted for various things — got them away because he was too cute for the superintendent who was dealing with the job .
28 I mean it was tough , life was tough for him and I know that he faced quite a lot of comments both of racist and other other things .
29 They showed quite a lot of leg , and were undeniably sexy .
30 As many were at the Very Severe upper end of difficulty , he developed quite a reputation for fearlessness .
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