Example sentences of "[vb past] off in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We needed a compass bearing to ensure we headed off in the right direction , a reminder that even a ‘ valley ’ walk can land the unwary in difficulties .
2 I was thoughtful as I headed off in the opposite direction .
3 Storey moved off in the general direction of young Lindy .
4 Many 's the night I 've walked back late from town and stopped off in the New Earswick hedgerows to supply them some used beer …
5 They drove off in a grey transit van which was found abandoned soon after the raid .
6 They drove off in a red Sierra XR 3 .
7 You could follow my example and hitchhike out of Miami airport , but only if you 're prepared to risk being picked up by a religious maniac , or dropped off in an impenetrable jungle of freeways close to the cocaine-dealing centre of America , or both .
8 A gunman fired more than 20 shots into the building , but as he made off in a stolen car , a soldier fired a single shot from an Army observation post on the top of a block of flats several hundred yards away .
9 The pair made off in a yellow car .
10 He made off in a W-registered Ford Cortina estate , stolen in Middlesbrough on May 11 .
11 With a winning smile at a rather bemused young man , she dragged him up to dance , and every time she saw Feargal she made off in the opposite direction .
12 Middlesbrough full back Gary Parkinson limped off in the final minute with an ankle injury .
13 The tramp tossed the empty cup away and shuffled off in the other direction .
14 Julie fell dead beneath a tree , its lower branches hacked off in the frenzied attack .
15 One boxing scribbler of the tabloid persuasion used to recite a Guardian intro which Keating dashed off in a Bavarian hotel room , while struggling to complete a long overdue script for children 's television : ‘ Tonight in Munich , Muhammad Ali of The Universe will defend his world heavyweight title against Richard Dunn of 23 Railway Cuttings , Bradford , West Yorkshire . ’
16 Unlike Felix the Cat or Mickey Mouse , brought to life in motion pictures , Asterix started off in a comic strip .
17 This might explain why the universe started off in the big bang in almost perfect thermal equilibrium , because thermal equilibrium would correspond to the largest number of microscopic configurations and hence the greatest probability .
18 We started off in the old days , just tuning the top string down to D. It 's funny , but we used to do that before we 'd tune the bottom ones down .
19 Sickened by the sterile goals of the middle-class life into which they were born , they gave up everything and took off in a mobile home , fighting to be entitled to educate their two sons themselves .
20 Nor were they in Europe , where it took off in a big way as the cult movie of the moment , especially in countries where the dire American dialogue could be dubbed over or subtitled with more viable prose .
21 This seems to indicate that after a fairly steady climb and a certain standstill in the late 1880s , the numbers really took off in the late 1890s and the first decade of the twentieth century .
22 All the stack-pipes fell off in the Daily Express Trophy at Silverstone , but Graham won again and that race carried a lot of money .
23 Roy sent off in a blazing helicopter
24 Said Jolosa : ‘ It is bad being the first player sent off in the new league , but I was a marked man from the start .
25 I 'M ASHAMED to be the first Scotland captain sent off in an international match .
26 She received the watch and chain from the pawnbroker 's daughter , together with the new pawn ticket and fivepence , and went off in a pleasured state over the transaction , although a little worried that Queen Mary might find out that her naughty niece wanted to show her legs riding bareback on a circus horse .
27 Ammunition , grenades , and demolition explosives went off in a deadly firework display .
28 ‘ Plancius ’ was anchored some way offshore because of shallow water and reefs , so when the first party went off in the inflatable , we could see no land at all and had to steer by compass .
29 The bomb went off in the public gallery , destroying the visitors ' area and blowing a hole through an external wall .
30 However , it soon pulled itself together and shot off in the other direction — no doubt grateful of the intervention which gave its release .
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