Example sentences of "[vb past] before the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her tiredness fled before the immediate prospect of encountering her new employer .
2 All outrage fled before the hideous prospect of being thrown into the streets on such a night .
3 Mr Watson said : ‘ It is the intention of Coun Garvey as long as he retains control of his private prosecution to seek that it be directed to the crown court on the basis that the allegation against him is heading towards the crown court and it would be sensible to have the two alleged criminal acts tried arising out of the same incident tried before the same court . ’
4 The draw itself is expected to last no more than 10 minutes , although there is always the chance of the sort of hiccup that occurred before the 1982 tournament when Belgium and Scotland ended up in the wrong groups — and there was the embarrassed re-examination of screwed-up slips of paper such as might be seen when the vicar 's wife wins both the turkey and the hamper in the Christmas raffle .
5 The nadir pressures of the first transient UOS relaxations that occurred during the common cavity episodes differed significantly from the first transient UOS relaxations that occurred before the common cavity ( p<0.05 ) .
6 One investigation ( Thornes and Collard , 1979 ) found that of all marital separations ( rather than legal divorces ) , 60 per cent occurred before the tenth year of marriage .
7 I genuflected before the winking sanctuary lamp and concealed myself in one of the side chapels .
8 Of these 30 dismissals those which came before the Industrial Tribunal in this case were found to be unfair .
9 When the matter came before the taxing master it appears to have proceeded on footing that erm order twenty eighty , rule four , sorry I , rule , rule twenty eighty , four sixty two er was the relevant er provision under which erm the taxing master disallowed interest .
10 In 1988 , Ex parte Handscomb , 86 Cr.App.R. 59 came before the Divisional Court .
11 At all events , when the Conforama and Marchandise cases came before the European Court of Justice , Mr. Advocate General W. van Gerven ( who had also been Advocate General in the Torfaen case ) urged caution upon the European Court .
12 Does the Minister agree that if that issue came before the European Court of Human Rights , under the reasoning in the Dudgeon case , the court would almost certainly hold that it is contrary to the anti-discrimination article in the convention to have two different regimes operating within one country ?
13 As a Lower boy at the time I came before the Lower Master .
14 The Conforama and Marchandise cases came before the full court , whereas the Torfaen case had been heard by a chamber of the court .
15 When the proposal to create life peers — and peeresses — came before the full House of Lords , it was Lord Glasgow who formulated the classic argument .
16 Jean Campbell , alias Bruce , which came before the High Court in Glasgow on 17th July 1817 is of considerable interest for two reasons .
17 Fourth , when draft legislation came before the Main Committee in 1860 Alexander stood firm for change in the face of obdurate resistance from aristocrats .
18 He threw before the prime minister other names — Coggan , Stopford , and some more .
19 To the question ‘ What happened before the Big Bang ? ’ the professor answers : ‘ There was no ‘ before ’ .
20 It was actually something that happened before the Tory Party Conference but it did n't , it did n't actually help me recover
21 It was actually something that happened before the Tory Party Conference but it did n't , it did n't actually help me recover
22 This situation bears an uncomfortably close resemblance to the picture which obtained before the 1981 Act when children were assessed under the old SE procedures as in need of special educational provision .
23 Wilson claimed before the Royal Commission In 1892 that both unions were bogus and financed by the Shipping Federation , which they denied .
24 The young Genoese picked his way over the wreckage and , gripping Nicholas , arrived before the same door as it opened again .
25 Critics of this theoretical approach emphasise that spectator violence existed before the First World War .
26 The net result has been a marked resurgence of the disease in many parts of the world to what some people , including the famous American malariologist Paul Russel , consider to be levels that existed before the Second World War .
27 Armed fundamentalists existed before the Afghan war , and would now pose a threat to Middle Eastern governments without the help of a single Afghan veteran .
28 This is a considerable contrast with the camaraderie of the field which frequently existed before the widespread introduction of tractors .
29 The bishops were intent on restoring the prestige , the wealth and the power they enjoyed before the Civil War .
30 For many its decline began before the First World War , as a consequence of its inability to maintain the trade-union and working-class support in the face of the challenge of the Labour Party .
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