Example sentences of "[vb past] her by the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He groaned , then grasped her by the buttocks and lifted her , backing her against the wall , thrusting up into her once , twice , a third time before he came explosively , feeling her shudder violently against him .
2 He grasped her by the shoulders , his fingers biting in , through the thinness of her top .
3 Then , as she skewered him with a look of pure detestation , he reached out suddenly and caught her by the wrists .
4 She gasped as Nicolo reached out and caught her by the shoulders .
5 She cried out as he caught her by the shoulders .
6 Leonora turned away blindly , and Penry caught her by the shoulders , forcing her round to face him .
7 Damian released Tony with a violent shove , strode to Rachel , caught her by the shoulders , his face fierce .
8 Perhaps you pulled her by the ankles , dragging her head beneath the water ?
9 She made to rise , but Harry grabbed her by the wrists and she subsided back onto the bed with a sharp cry of pain .
10 I went across and grabbed her by the lapels .
11 Before she could answer he grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her against him , his fingers biting cruelly into her skin .
12 He tore towards her , menace in every line of him as he caught up with her and grabbed her by the shoulders , his eyes blazing .
13 Penry grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her to face him .
14 She tried to embrace him , but he seized her by the arms and shook her till her teeth chattered .
15 He crossed the bridge and seized her by the shoulders , shouting above the noise , ‘ My wife ?
16 Dr Neil stepped back so swiftly that she almost fell ; he seized her by the shoulders and held her from him .
17 Benedict seized her by the shoulders in an ungentle grip .
18 He seized her by the shoulders , his fingers biting into her flesh .
19 It was Sukie , Sukie something , the nymphet Fred was working with ; he knew her by the Afghans .
20 A deeper pink suffused his face , colouring the skin between the freckles of pale orange that the tropical sun had cast there , and he took her by the wrists and said , in English , ‘ Maybe , we 'll see , maybe one day . ’
21 He took her by the elbows , his frown mock-severe .
22 He took her by the shoulders and his face was very close to hers .
23 Alina was holding onto the door , because the six steps that she 'd taken to reach it had almost been enough to exhaust her ; Belov dusted off his hands and came over to her now , and he took her by the shoulders and turned her around and steered her back toward the bed that she 'd just left .
24 He took her by the shoulders and pulled her back against him sharply .
25 She took her by the shoulders and turned her round to face the house .
26 He took her by the shoulders — ‘ You and you , all the time you . ’
27 He took her by the shoulders and kissed her instead , a real kiss with his tongue and his teeth and a strong aftertaste of brandy .
28 He took her by the shoulders suddenly , his expression so fierce that Robyn gasped .
29 Sitting on the bed , Theda took her by the shoulders and dragged her to sit up .
30 He took her by the shoulders and shook her .
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