Example sentences of "[vb past] through [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The sheep gazed through the bars at the departing train with a look of woolly innocence .
2 I tramped through the ruins of Tughlukabad trying in my mind to fill the deserted barracks with Turkish mameluks and Persian cavalry officers .
3 More than twenty years ago , the archivist Emmison tried to convey to teachers what he felt to be the special qualities of an original document : The original document is in a sense more real than any text book can hope to be ; for the writer , though he may have been misguided , biased or mistaken , at least lived through the events of which he speaks ; and whatever his shortcomings , he was in certain respects better informed about the times and conditions in which he lived than is the interpreter writing two or three hundred years afterwards .
4 She fought through the days with relentless activity , aiming to get thoroughly tired , so that she could sleep .
5 He grazed through the streets as if he were some sort of god , head and shoulders above everyone .
6 Lamps glowed through the ports of boats , vehicles had driving lights on .
7 Pascoe rippled through the pages of his notebook , stopped , coughed and began to speak in an impersonal monotone as before .
8 Isay followed him unquestioningly as always when he passed through the gates of the Rorim proper to the open space beyond .
9 All the heroes of the Circle Sea passed through the gates of Ankh-Morpork sooner or later .
10 The late summer air was surprisingly mild as she passed through the turnstiles into the ‘ enchanted garden ’ .
11 It was there as soon as she passed through the doors of their East Side brownstone .
12 At Europe 's largest indoor shopping centre , the MetroCentre , Gateshead , Tyne and Wear , more than 50,000 passed through the doors in the first hour , the first of 130,000 during the day .
13 It crept through the partitions in the fence .
14 Philip crept through the trees at the edge of the ride .
15 During the great party rallies at Nuremberg Himmler and the SS hierarchy rode through the streets on horseback , dressed in the full regalia of Teutonic knights .
16 The princes were seen from time to time when , with a strong guard , they rode through the streets of the City .
17 Before the Soviet revolution of 1917 , one approached and rode through the groves in silence lest the gods and spirits of the woods be offended .
18 On this particular journey I occasionally opened my eyes and peered through the slats of the truck .
19 Arriving on her broomstick at the prison-like school gates , Mildred peered through the railings into the misty playground .
20 He was standing on the bottom stair when he heard footsteps coming up the back stairs from the kitchen and then Jane 's large dark eyes peered through the banisters at him .
21 The setting sun flickered through the trunks of the palm trees along the track , disappearing into haze before it reached the horizon .
22 Masklin waded through the puddles on the concrete so that he could see down the far side of the aircraft .
23 Cardiff moved through the shadows to where Frye was crouched against the wall , next to the reception desk .
24 Born in a small council house in Viewpark in 1944 , he rose through the ranks of local schools football and almost joined Manchester United as a teenager before Celtic stepped in .
25 After knocking off her old man , Jessamyn rose through the ranks in the Psychopomps , and racked up quite a score .
26 David rose through the ranks from education officer to acting director of technical education during his years in Northern Rhodesia , but some years after the country gained independence he made the decision to leave .
27 Almost she rose through the strata of realities to wakefulness , but then her lover glided his fingers gently over the curve of her jaw to mine pleasure from her throat .
28 Another group of conscripts had on May 14 occupied the national radio station but failed to persuade staff to broadcast their demands , and on May 16 they rampaged through the streets of Abidjan firing their weapons .
29 " She 's in voluntary liquidation , " said Martha , but she fetched a piece of old towelling and began to rub the cat , which squinted through the folds of white material like Lazarus through the grave-clothes .
30 Devlin , still wearing a suit more apt for Portugal , had managed to procure a raincoat in Paris , but he was freezing and quite miserable as he trudged through the crowds in the railway station at Berlin .
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