Example sentences of "[vb past] back to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Speaking at the 1989 BEMAS Annual Conference , Martin Davies , Director of NCC , referred back to the early gloom and outrage , but then went on to say : ‘ What is remarkable is how little dissent and how little opposition there is now the overwhelming majority have accepted the idea of a National Curriculum . ’
2 I staggered back to a cold bed but Margot and Phoebe had fled .
3 Purpose hard in her , she staggered back to the flat sheet of the blueness that was spread to catch the warmth of the sun and in her frozen hand was a knife sharpened by erosion from a rock .
4 However , they caused me no ill and I staggered back to the Golden Turk and the tender care of the slattern , a bowl of rich broth and countless frothing tankards of ale .
5 Without a word , I restarted the motor and headed back to the mooring bay , half a mile distant , encouraged by a running commentary : ‘ Why are we going in ?
6 He waved to show he was all right , then swam back to the floating machine , still laughing .
7 Guy was sitting at the pool 's edge as she swam back to the shallow end .
8 MacWhirter , though settled in London from his middle years on , was a Scottish painter whose best work was in the tradition of landscape painting traced back to the early seventeenth century .
9 Ms Ferguson 's family , traced back to the illegitimate son of an English planter and a slave girl , is constantly present in the texts , photographs and recipes .
10 Members of the committee visited the institution in rotation and reported back to the full committee .
11 Then he dropped his arms as the music changed back to a funky disco beat , and without his support she stumbled , only just managing to catch herself in time before she fell against him .
12 The colours changed back to the traditional , the ball from white to red , the pads and clothing from kaleidoscopic to white , there were no floodlights , the pitches and outfield were hard and bare and the temperature consistently in the low 30s celsius .
13 I changed back to the Tasmanian Devil and had a similar thumping take first cast .
14 I wandered back to the main entrance of the chateau and found Benjamin , equally disconsolate , sitting on the steps .
15 One leaves the activity by the same means , directed back to the appropriate page of the main text .
16 I pedalled back to the High Street , past Magdalen and across the bridge to the Plain .
17 About halfway across the Channel a man in a plastic mackintosh came back to a nearby table and announced that the rain had finally stopped — just our luck , he added .
18 Time and time again discussions about tears came back to the central theme of the wish to be cared for-not all the time , the women with whom I talked were quite clear about that .
19 Finch finished the movement and then came back to the other room , thinking of how much time he had spent with Henry and Betty over the years .
20 Abruptly he came back to the present day , his wedding day .
21 Amid the confusion ( Vaux village is said to have changed hands thirteen times during the March fighting ) , word came back to the German Divisional Commander , bearing the imaginative name of von Guretzky-Cornitz , that the fort had actually been taken .
22 But the story of the Gesta did not end in 1109. just as later monks came back to the Flemish comital genealogies to keep them up to date and to add new material , so the Gesta attracted amplification .
23 I came back to the beautiful beach house from shopping .
24 Sounds came back to the watching eagles .
25 He stepped back , pausing to think , but the more he tried to invent reasonable explanations , the more he came back to the obvious truth : someone had put out the light and locked him in .
26 Drove back to a late dinner .
27 Finally he drove back to the main road .
28 She returned to her car , and drove back to the Red House .
29 As he strolled back to the front window , and peered behind the curtains again , Bodie asked , ‘ And where were you on all these exotic foreign trips ? ’
30 The method used to achieve this could be called a filtering technique for , by analogy with the process of filtering as used in the chemistry laboratory , a particular part of a mixture ( the edges or boundaries ) was isolated and then added back to the original image to give Figure 5.14 .
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