Example sentences of "[vb past] down to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But when he got down to the streets where we live he said , ‘ If people want a cleaner Britain , they can start with their own street and their own neighbourhood ’ .
2 When I got down to the park , the combination of the cold and my long sleep that afternoon made me feel too restless to contemplate actually going to sleep again , so I just sat there on one of the benches , thinking .
3 before they got down to the autographs .
4 Which again is a part of the luck which probably saved me and er when I got down to the pump which was directly below where the explosion occurred , there was about three or four of us there and er as I said that the only indication that we got out it was a an enormous bang just directly overhead .
5 They would chat away to her about their day until they got down to the schoolwork .
6 Despite this , Junius soon got down to the business of casting aspersions against the King 's character .
7 The giant brick structures were laid during the earliest days of the industrial revolution in Manchester , several decades before London got down to the task of comprehensive sanitation for its citizens .
8 ‘ Desperately , desperately ill ! ’ she said , over her shoulder , then swooped down to the dishwasher , picked up a handful of plates , and marched off towards a cupboard .
9 The rain softened the surface and showed the imprint of their short stay as they swooped down to the mirage of what had been their habitat .
10 She hopped down to the floor , but it seemed further away than she had expected and now suddenly it was rising up crazily to meet her .
11 It was a scene of intense bustle at the mills , with scores of children busily at work , and from the Bonsor Mill the roar of the machinery , at times , penetrated down to the village itself .
12 ‘ The front door ! ’ said Rose , mightily impressed , as they stood at the top of a flight of wide stone steps , flanked by funerary urns , which led down to the drive .
13 Flat roofs are laid with a slight slope so that rainwater can be collected by conventional gutters and led down to the drains .
14 Kit Hegarty moved swiftly around her large house in a quiet road that led down to the sea .
15 The boat house resembled a small chapel built into the sloping land that led down to the water 's edge , except that it was windowless and the bell in the tower no longer rang .
16 For at that moment , directly below the steps that led down to the Moebius Strip , the float of dummy Capellans was purring serenely by .
17 From the square in front of the hotel , an avenue led down to the Corniche where people strolled arm iii arm along the Nile .
18 Rachaela left the house and went to the steps which led down to the beach .
19 I spent a lot of time discovering and browsing through the bookshops , and then reading on the lawns which led down to the river Cam from the backs of the colleges .
20 Turning her back on the sunset , she crossed the yard to where a track , wide enough to take a vehicle , led down to the river .
21 Steps led down to the banks of the river , and from the water 's edge , the ruins of the castle dominated the skyline .
22 A silver stairway on stage led down to the stalls .
23 Luke Travis was standing at the top of the short flight of stone steps that led down to the garden .
24 A short flight of stone steps led down to the entrance .
25 Tiny fields , green and white where the snow was melting again , led down to the outskirts of the town .
26 At dawn on the morning of his twelfth birthday — in the official court annals his thirteenth , for they accorded with ancient Han tradition in calling the day of the child 's birth its first ‘ birth day ’ — Li Yuan was woken by his father and , when he was dressed in the proper clothes , led down to the stables of the Tongjiang estate .
27 Beyond it fell a flight of stone steps which led down to the bank 's vault .
28 She blinked as they emerged into blinding brightness and searing heat , and paused to fumble for her sunglasses before they descended the broad flight of steps that led down to the canal .
29 I hurried down steep Flower Hill , a flowerless road of grey terraced houses and shops that led down to the bridge and the weir .
30 Rousing herself , she glanced at the huge diamond solitaire on her left hand as if for reassurance , before picking up her luggage and heading for the steps which led down to the landing-stage and the vaporetti .
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