Example sentences of "[vb past] on a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And then we walked on a little bit further and there was big clumps of them everywhere they was .
2 Abak from Integrated Furniture Systems consists of a series of panels , hung on a tubular metal framework with integral adjustable feet .
3 Three identical aprons hung on a crooked coatstand .
4 The lamp could be hooked onto the front of a miner 's cap or hung on a wooden roof support while he was working .
5 When the selected pile alone remained , he switched on a powerful reading spotlamp above the table , took a jeweller 's loupe from his pocket , a pair of tweezers in his right hand , and held up the first stone to the light .
6 They were met at the front door by a delirious spaniel , who clearly had no idea of funeral decorum , and they proceeded into the front room , where Bill Clough switched on a bulging orangey imitation-coal electric fire , and then went to a horrible drinks cabinet — all plastic and flashing lights .
7 Emily switched on a bare bulb overhead .
8 Anyway , when the complete transferral was done , I dressed myself with care and switched on a full length mirror for an inspection .
9 He switched on a few lights , took off his coat and tie and rolled up his sleeves , then he pottered around the kitchen making himself a good night mug of milkless tea .
10 Suddenly she switched on a yellow lamp that stood by her on the table and moved the snake-like stem so that Larry 's face was spotlighted as if on stage .
11 Around this time Heather took on a philosophical mood and confided all she wanted out of life was ‘ to be on dry land with a dry pair of knickers , clean teeth and to be able to wash in fresh water ’ .
12 Her smile took on a strange quality as she surveyed the bracelet at arm 's length .
13 She bustled to the door and her voice took on a repressive note .
14 He reacted by behaving in a way which rammed home to the Scots memories of Edward I. The events of 1543 took on a sinister familiarity ; for Edward 's attempted annexation of Scotland had also begun with a proposed marriage , between the infant Margaret , Maid of Norway , who succeeded Alexander III in 1286 , and Edward 's son , the future Edward II .
15 A race held across land , on water and through the air came up with an unlikely winner , when a steamroller took on a hot air balloon and a narrow boat to see which was the fastest .
16 So Sarazen took on a young caddie , who , it transpired , seemed to do all the things that even the caddies of today would not dream of doing , like pulling the clubs without consultation with Sarazen , and then , if the club did not work , telling Sarazen he had just hit a bad shot — it was not his club selection at fault .
17 For some time before this heavy clouds had increased and in the west the sky had become a dense purplish-black , a range of mountainous cumulus against which the outlines of buildings took on a curious clarity and the trees stood out livid and sickly bright .
18 The place took on a magical quality for Lewis , who had towards it something of that feeling of the Grand Meaulnes for his lost domain .
19 His mouth took on a sardonic twist .
20 Besides — ’ his mouth took on a sardonic curve ‘ — what price would you put on your credibility — a woman who liaises with a married man , makes dates with him behind his wife 's back ?
21 Madeleine 's face took on a new expression .
22 Running and sport took on a new emphasis as it was the only way to keep warm .
23 However , the golf reports took on a new look when supplied by Jack Webb in the two or three years before his death .
24 Suddenly , his inability to attract friends took on a new significance .
25 There was a renewed interest in gold and other precious metals , but base metals like copper , lead , and zinc took on a new significance , together with a whole range of new raw materials and foodstuffs .
26 Two years ago , news of the ozone layer hit Bolivia and the San Juan celebrations — and the smoky aftermath took on a new significance .
27 Since the death of the writer the insults and threats he had dealt out to each member of his family took on a new significance .
28 Suddenly , this had become a special event and Lewis knew it , for his playing took on a new intensity as he began to alternate between rock ‘ n ’ roll classics from his early career back in the Fifties Sun era to later country material .
29 Grigorovich 's simplistic , ideological heroes took on a new dimension when danced with such dramatic appeal , with such virility , such fabulous jumps .
30 Fifty years ago , the Japanese undertook their devastating attack on Pearl Harbor and World War Two took on a new dimension .
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