Example sentences of "[vb past] on [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 the seams , however , neat , will be improved by a deliberate decoration , for example , some matching bought braid , a long plait which could end in a tassel at the floor end , or a further narrow piece of matching Fair Isle or even a different woven pattern , stitched on to conceal the join .
2 From this he moved on to command the airship station at Wormwood Scrubs , and then went to the Admiralty to help in airship design and allocation .
3 Meanwhile the ‘ Recruit ’ sailed on to join the Fleet at Barbados .
4 On July 30 Georgian President Givi Gumbaridze warned that the action was threatening Georgia with anarchy and " armed conflict " , but with some 25,000 travellers and 500,000 tons of cargo stranded on trains the authorities capitulated on July 31 after negotiations with opposition leaders .
5 He slipped to fifth with just four laps to go , but miraculously , he hauled himself third place and hung on to win the championship by just one point .
6 On its commencement every proceeding is identified by a title , made up of the name of the court in which it is brought , the names of the parties and any Act ( other than the 1984 Act ) relied on to give the court jurisdiction , and by a distinguishing number allotted to it by the court office , written ( in an action ) as " Case No " or ( in a matter ) as " No of Matter " .
7 As Rosalind Rosenberg has pointed out , arguments based on female uniqueness paradoxically ‘ provided the biological affirmation that anti-feminists needed to oppose change and that feminists relied on to defuse the threat of change ’ .
8 After lunch Macmillan and Broad flew on to visit the commander of 13 Corps , Gen Harding , at Monfalcone .
9 London Irish thought they 'd scored a try here … the ref tho rightly gave a knock on … and the cherry and whites rolled on to take the lead with a penalty from Martin Roberts … another penalty apiece made it six three to Gloucester at half-time … but they deserved more … the forwards were fired up but so too was the exiles defence which took a fair old hammering … the turning point came at the start of the second half when referee David Matthews awarded Gloucester a penalty try …
10 Says a video worker : ‘ The director kept on re-shooting the scene and Nick was getting hotter and hotter .
11 He had no interest in the architecture of what was then merely a rather dull manor house , but kept on improving the estate , which was to give pleasure to the Welch family until the Second World War .
12 When the cup was full , the abbot kept on pouring the tea .
13 Which was something of a racket , plus Bazooka Joe kept on pulling the plugs on us trying to get us off the stage .
14 I cherished that dolly , kept on altering the face with new stitching from time to time and I still have it in a drawer somewhere .
15 Well than the other the other thing which I think particularly in the last one that we did which was finished back in March , we kept on changing the specification , because it started off such a such and specification and it was going to the Hanover Fair in Germany
16 I scribbled 2 or 3 lines to my friend saying I was sorry circumstances had arisen to prevent my meeting him , sent the note off to my groom , and went on reading the ms .
17 Lord Diplock went on to test the question arising in the case by asking what the words of the relevant section of the Act of 1968 meant in ordinary conversation .
18 In December , London inflicted Kingston 's first domestic defeat of the season with a one-point win in the second leg of the NatWest Trophy semi-finals , though Kingston went on to retain the title .
19 Similarly , the Fourth Lateran Council , in its second decree , condemned the teaching of Joachim of Fiore ( namely that there were four persons in the Trinity ) , as expounded in his book against Peter Lombard , and went on to define the duties of secular rulers and of bishops to fight heresy in their kingdoms and dioceses .
20 His son Benjamin Lee ( 1798–1868 ) whose interest in politics and public life was rewarded when he became Lord Mayor of Dublin , later went on to represent the city as a Member of Parliament .
21 ( It is somewhat remarkable to note that after such stirring events , the committee went on to draw the master 's attention to the fact that a horse had been observed grazing in the paddock , which had been let for sheep only .
22 The woman dropped rennet into the two cauldrons , stirred them , and then went on peeling the mound of artichokes in silence .
23 Mason J. went on to explain the reasons why , in that case , the minister 's function was to be exercised by him personally .
24 As though unaware of the many doubts in the minds of each of his listeners , Christian went on to explain the reasons behind his momentous decision .
25 Its head , the urbane Norman Hartnell , designed the Queen 's wedding gown and went on to dress the women of the Royal Family in the finest fabrics .
26 The judge then went on to assess the damages at the figure of $200,000 , being an increase of 8 per cent .
27 Dr J Majo Cruzate , Advisor , Director General , DG XIII at the Commission of European Communities , after outlined the history of the European Single Market initiative up to Maastricht and ( probably ) beyond , and went on to extol the virtues of creating a single market for IT in Europe , with the European Commission 's roll seen as harmonising standards efforts and funding research .
28 The sitting was abandoned by Mayall , although Diccon went on to finish the picture — it subsequently won the senior award in the Irish National Portrait Painting Contest .
29 Four secondees were still struggling to settle-in some six months after their appointment , but most secondees adjusted within three months and went on to enjoy the scope to shape their jobs , to use their expertise and to become part of a team .
30 He made no rejoinder but retreated back through the communicating door ; and she went on serving the customer .
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