Example sentences of "[vb past] him out into the " in BNC.

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1 Strong hands turned him round and helped him out into the street again .
2 Strong hands turned Soapy round and helped him out into the street again .
3 And this spirit continues with Jesus thereafter , it descended on him at baptism , it drove him out into the wilderness to be tempted and so on .
4 Endill followed him out into the biggest corridor he had ever seen .
5 She followed him out into the hallway , toting her small suitcase .
6 As she followed him out into the sunshine , Sabine thought , I 'll ask him later , and pushed the memory of Antoinette 's venom to the furthest recesses of her mind .
7 Father Peter handed them their cloaks , taking his own from a wooden peg , and they followed him out into the cold .
8 Before the startled merchant could think of a reply , Cranston had taken Athelstan by the elbow and steered him out into the sun-baked street .
9 Senga took her brother 's hand and led him out into the hall .
10 The path brought him out into the rest of the grounds .
11 Sometimes the violent power of the Spirit is seen in almost physical terms , as when the Spirit of the Lord entered into Ezekiel and set him on his feet , or lifted him up , or brought him out into the valley ( Ezek. 2:2 , 3:12 , 37:1 ) .
12 I took him out into the garden .
13 As the boatmen rowed him out into the middle of Sydney harbour , his piper played a lament at the stem and John stood at the prow in full dress uniform , with his sword held high .
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