Example sentences of "[vb past] him as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 AN OFF-DUTY police inspector saw the alleged killer of Marie Wilks but dismissed him as a good Samaritan , the M50 murder trial was told yesterday .
2 Those who dismissed him as a third-rate actor failed to recognize his ability as a political campaigner .
3 I rated him as the best British droll comedian we had .
4 Drawing refreshed him as a long walk refreshed him , and it was part of the art of forgetting slights , frustrations , old wounds , so necessary if he was to survive and stay serene .
5 Mrs Summerchild was not available last night for comment , but neighbours described him as a reserved man who was devoted to his family , and who had a passion for music .
6 Steve Cauthen , having his first race ride on Arazi yesterday , described him as a suitable type for Epsom .
7 Tony McGeorge , defending , described him as a friendly , likeable and highly respected farmer .
8 Oh there was this interview with Mick Jagger yeah but like it must have been written about cos they described him as a neanderthal rocker .
9 He received a partial endorsement from Hawke , much to the chagrin of senior ALP figures , when the former Prime Minister described him as a personable , articulate and presentable candidate " who offered a real alternative for a lot of people " .
10 A friend described him as a charming rogue ‘ always on the make ’ .
11 Yesterday , sentencing Ferguson , Sheriff Colin MacKay described him as the prime mover .
12 Like Richter and Tatyana Nikolaieva , I seen him as the founding father of all true musical quality , a composer far removed from conventional notions of sobriety , academicism or dryness .
13 Wordsworth 's changing of sides has always laid him open to this sort of comment ; later generations of poets regarded him as a moral coward or a fallen idol , attitudes best summed up in the first stanza of Robert Browning 's poem The Lost Leader :
14 As he had held the highest office of state the inhabitants of Edfu regarded him as a great man and therefore after his death honoured him as a god , making his tomb a holy place .
15 His deputy , Robert Forgan , had satisfactory talks with Neil Francis Hawkins about the amalgamation of the New Party with the British Fascists , but the grand council of the British Fascists voted against a merger by one vote in May 1932 after its founder Rotha Lintorn Orman , who was very suspicious of Mosley and regarded him as a near communist , vigorously opposed the change .
16 His dedication brought him swift advancement at the cost of alienating his contemporaries , who regarded him as an arrogant , stand-offish prig .
17 The Shah had visited Washington in November 1977 , towards the end of Carters election , and the new administration had impressed upon him that although the United States still regarded him as an important ally , the days of unrestricted arms sales , while arrest and torture by SAVAK were ignored by the US , were over , In fact , the Shah had already moderated SAVAK , released some political prisoners and allowed a little more criticism of his government to be expressed , even before Carter 's inauguration .
18 When Pauline Kael reviewed him as the bloated Jake La Motta in Raging Bull , she said that what De Niro was doing was certainly something , but she 'd hesitate to call it acting .
19 Mills Roberts was a stickler for discipline but everyone recognised him as a good soldier and therefore , for all his shouting , he was a popular figure .
20 I cried out in relief and happiness : I thought I recognised him as a former schoolmate , a boy with whom I used to exchange groans about the maths problems whose solutions so frequently eluded us .
21 In the church Richard fell to prayer with such absorption that Lady Dalton forbore to disturb him when she entered , but her son recognised him as a former Oxford student .
22 AN ARMED robber ‘ executed ’ a security guard because he recognised him as a former schoolmate , a court was told yesterday .
23 Butler 's role at Crystal Palace was thus largely a supportive one and he seldom gained much publicity , but fans of the time recognised him as a useful contributor to the Palace cause .
24 She recognised him as a kindred spirit , with the same happy-go-lucky , questing attitude to life which she herself possessed .
25 Despite her antagonism , she recognised him as an awesome adversary .
26 As he stood there , his glittering black eyes were the only feature that identified him as a living creature , and not a darker patch of shadow in the benighted forest .
27 The second man ( who appears at the left-hand side of the composition , drawing back a curtain ) in one of the earliest sketches , carries a skull , and Picasso identified him as a medical student .
28 Some of Pugachev 's followers identified him as the true Tsar , Peter III .
29 Chung ran a campaign — widely compared with that of Ross Perot in the US elections — which portrayed him as a political " outsider " with direct economic experience gleaned as the head of a giant commercial concern .
30 Bede welcomed him as a new Josiah , the king of Judah in whose reign a religious reform movement purified the Temple worship , but came to lament the decline , as he saw it , of ecclesiastical standards after the death of Aldfrith , sentiments echoed later by Boniface .
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