Example sentences of "[vb past] him at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout much of 1948 Minton had been working up oils based on his drawings and watercolours of Corsica for an exhibition at the Lefevre , initially promised him at the end of that year but not mounted until February 1949 .
2 They followed Fiver up the run and overtook him at the entrance .
3 He seems to have been retiring to his ships again when Edmund overtook him at the hill called Assandun ( probably Ashdon in north-west or Ashingdon in south-east Essex ) .
4 But except for a brief interval , Blaize ruled for 10 unmemorable years until Gairy decisively beat him at the polls a few months after Britain granted the island wide autonomy in 1967 .
5 Rebels stopped him at the airport but his whereabouts were not known last night .
6 Out in the dark cold hall she stopped him at the foot of the stairs .
7 Christina approached him at the reception desk where he stood .
8 A dog ate him at the bus stop !
9 I do n't think he meant it , looking back , but I believed him at the time .
10 I told him at a funeral this afternoon that I was pulling him out of Saturday 's game .
11 The American people told him at the polls what they had been screaming from the rooftops for two years .
12 And finally two Ayr police officers said that a shelved 1969 report showed they had picked up a man ‘ of slight build and a Glasgow accent who said his name was McGuigan or McGuinness ’ some 600 yards from the Ross bungalow in the early hours of the morning of the murder and dropped him at the bus station ; and they now declared from photographs recently shown to them that the man was William McGuinness .
13 The suggestions included limiting Congress 's powers only to proposing amendments to the Constitution , and allowing Yeltsin to retain the right granted him at the October-November 1991 extraordinary Congress to appoint ministers without approval from the legislature .
14 He had a two-stroke lead over playing partner Frost with two holes to play before the defending champion pipped him at the post with birdies on 17 and 18 .
15 John Browne 's neighbours buried him at the gable-end of his humble cottage .
16 I actually advised him at the meeting that he should not and could n't take that motion , and I was by Alderman in that situation , but he still deemed to go ahead and that 's p his prerogative .
17 I telephoned him at the shipping company , but was told that he was not in the office .
18 Glasses , a beard and lots of grey hairs — 47-year-old Rod Stewart 's new look seems to have stunned his model wife Rachel Hunter who joined him at a Los Angeles club .
19 Subdued by the mockery , she joined him at the door he was now unlocking , still not wholly trusting him , and the gleam in his eyes told her he knew it .
20 He opened his arms as she joined him at the mirror .
21 Willie climbed out of bed and joined him at the window .
22 She walked over and joined him at the table .
23 Wycliffe joined him at the table .
24 The subject is believed to be Gian Giacomo Caprotti , a pupil of da Vinci who joined him at the age of 10 , later becoming one of his lovers .
25 The boy showed little talent for the business and hardly earned the £2 10s Mr Marshall paid him at the end of the week .
26 Bodie acknowledged him at the bar .
27 His find was still there when they stripped him at the mortuary . ’
28 He was pulling him , trying to get him off me — he threw him — he just threw him at the bed — I knew he was all right , he were screaming but I could n't — they were both screaming , Cathy and Gary both , and he got me by the throat .
29 Not for the first time this season MrTyson needed a police escort as protesting losers surrounded him at the end .
30 For a long time , I adored him at a distance and could n't believe my luck when he started showing an interest in me . ’
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