Example sentences of "[vb past] its [noun] into the " in BNC.

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1 There had been some concern in the early Eighties , when one of the national dailies , Today , moved its headquarters into the next-door building .
2 increase in racist attacks in the area since the British National party moved its headquarters into the area ?
3 And then , by gum , their debut ‘ House Of Love ’ single bounced its way into the Top Ten .
4 Maybe the parties foolishly signed a pact which then found its way into the hands of the DTI .
5 In the mornings he worked in the kitchen while his aunt baked or cooked or sewed ; here in the evenings he absorbed the sense of the impact of new industries on an older more settled way of life which , much later , found its way into the stories and sketches of his best Welsh work , Rest and Unrest and Light and Twilight .
6 The most famous tin-glazed pottery of Spain was lustre pottery ; it was also exported and found its way into the wealthy households of medieval Europe .
7 Shaw 's infatuation with the actress Mrs Patrick Campbell , who was to play Eliza , clearly found its way into the script , giving Pygmalion a powerful undercurrent of sexuality , despite all the playwright 's blustering attempts to deny it .
8 Back in prehistoric times , the river which we now call the Thames was created by rains falling on hilly ground on the western side of this country , and meandering lazily until it found its way into the sea on the eastern side of the continental peninsular which became an island by separating itself from the continent of Europe .
9 The essence of pristine Labour policy had of course , and largely through the influence of Tawney , found its way into the official Hadow Report of 1926 : ‘ Selection by differentiation takes the place of selection by elimination . ’
10 Everything needing a temporary home found its way into the stable and then became a permanency .
11 The first drug to be recognised for its antimalarial effects was quinine , which found its way into the British Pharmacopaea as early as 1677 .
12 A POISONOUS cocktail of chemicals which found its way into the River Wey at Alton killed some 100 fish .
13 She was absolutely terrified of creating her own image in case she found that some expanse of water found its way into the picture .
14 Long after his death The Pilgrim 's Progress so universally found its way into the childhood reading of all classes that it came to be regarded as part of the heritage of all Protestant Churches in the English-speaking world .
15 But altogether , productivity has almost certainly been lower in services than in manufacturing by a significant margin and this involves a double irony : a major part of the improvement of productivity in manufacturing from the 1960s onwards resulted from a shake-out of labour much of which , in effect , found its way into the lower productivity services .
16 Reference to the production history of Falcon s/n 157 will confirm that the aircraft eventually found its way into the Canadian Armed Forces ( designated " CC117 " ) , where it was operated by the Airborne Sensing Unit ( ASU ) , from Uplands CFB , Ottawa , Ontario .
17 Roman fides found its way into the coins of Locri about 274 B.C. ( B. V. Head , Historia Numorum , 104 ) ; the devotio of Decius at Sentinum apparently attracted the attention of the contemporary historian Duris ( 76 F 56 Jacoby ) ; the exemplary rebuke of a Roman matrona to her son was reported by Callimachus in his Aetia ( fr. 107 Pfeiffer ) .
18 What is more significant for our purpose is that proportion of premium income which found its way into the acquisition of other financial assets .
19 As a result , no hints of James having broken a contractual obligation found its way into the Declaration of Rights , which simply concluded that James had " abdicated the Government " and that the throne was " thereby vacant " .
20 Bills seeking to exclude various categories of placemen from Parliament were introduced on average once every session between 1692 and 1714 , and a general measure banning all placemen from the Commons found its way into the Act of Settlement of 1701 ( which laid down the conditions on which the Hanoverians would succeed to the throne ) , although this provision was subsequently modified before the Act came into effect .
21 Somehow it found its way into the hands of a government minister , and he got in touch with us . ’
22 THE Government whipped its supporters into the Lords last night to defeat a final attempt by Labour to give shareholders the right to decide on company donations to political parties .
23 IBM Corp significantly stepped up its efforts in the merchant semiconductor market late Monday when it announced that it is now sampling the PowerPC 601 RISC microprocessor , with production volumes shipping in the third quarter , and announced its entry into the application specific market with CMOS and BiCMOS process technologies and access to industry-standard ASIC design tools and new applications support services , aiming to deliver ASICs based on gate-array and standard-cell technologies for computer and other systems manufacturers .
24 IBM Corp significantly stepped up its efforts in the merchant semiconductor market late Monday when it announced that it is now sampling the PowerPC 601 RISC microprocessor , with production volumes shipping in the third quarter , and announced its entry into the application specific market with CMOS and BiCMOS process technologies and access to industry-standard ASIC design tools and new applications support services , aiming to deliver ASICs based on gate-array and standard-cell technologies for computer and other systems manufacturers .
25 On May 24 the navy reopened its inquiry into the 1989 explosion on the battleship USS Iowa after new tests cast fresh doubt on its original finding that the disaster had been caused by a suicidal gunner [ see pp. 36604 ; 37410 ] .
26 At first , it swept the whole side of the mountain , and , charging itself with all the rubbish it found there , made its way into the vale , following chiefly the direction of the Lissa .
27 So St Wilfrid the bishop and his clergy on bended knees lifted their hands again to heaven and gained the help of the Lord … who straightway bade the tide return before its usual hour , and while the pagans , on the coming of their king were preparing for a fourth battle , the sea came back and covered all the shore , so that the ship was floated and made its way into the deep .
28 As the group made its way into the reception area , Bliss tugged at D'Arcy 's sleeve .
29 It dug its dagger into the roots of the bush .
30 The mountain dug its heels into the draff
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