Example sentences of "[vb past] its [noun] with the " in BNC.

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1 If by the outbreak of the Second World War there existed a substantial body of opinion which looked forward to a fresh approach to economic and social problems , this increasingly influential consensus found its moment with the coming of the war and , in particular , in the atmosphere of national emergency after the evacuation of Dunkirk and the fall of France in 1940 .
2 Mexico severed its relations with the USSR in January 1930 after the Comintern had made a clumsy and ill-judged bid to exploit the uncertainty caused by a right-wing rebellion against the portes Gil government ( see pages 39–40 ) .
3 Baker met with a 10-member Palestinian delegation on March 12 , the first such meeting since the US suspended its dialogue with the PLO in June 1990 [ see pp. 37547-48 ] .
4 The launch of the DLP , which registered its inauguration with the Central Election Management Committee on Feb. 15 , took place earlier than expected .
5 In September the survival of the governing coalition was endangered by the defection of 21 deputies from the Social Democratic Populist Party ( SHP ) , who temporarily formed a new " Integration Party " which on Sept. 28 announced its merger with the newly revived Republican People 's Party ( CHP ) .
6 However closely it cultivated its links with the labour movement , the UDC was not simply a device for maintaining Labour politics during the wartime political truce or for bringing individual ex-Liberals into the labour movement .
7 The company , which made its name with the Microdata Reality version of Pick , running on machines built in-house , has been moving over to software and services , which now account for 58% of total business , and on the hardware side , the company now buys in its machines .
8 The value of the deal is estimated at £12m to £16m ; the company , which employs about 100 people and was founded in 1984 , made its fortune with the Lemmings series of games , and saw sales rise nearly 40% to £6.8m in the year to July 1992 , and is forecasting £1.5m pro fit on £12m sales this fiscal year .
9 Apart for the graphics processor , the boxes also sport NEC 's ImageVideo , a local video bus that runs at the processor 's external clock speed — this made its debut with the company 's Powermate Series .
10 The Slovene League of Communists ( LC ) , which at the end of January had plunged the federal League of Communists of Yugoslavia ( LCY ) into crisis by abandoning the 14th extraordinary LCY congress [ see p. 37172 ] , on Feb. 4 held a party conference at which it renounced its links with the LCY .
11 Then fate played its hand with the entry of the second player in the drama of that week .
12 The United States widened its rift with the World Bank when it rejected a compromise on a capital increase for the International Finance Corporation , the arm of the Bank that deals directly with the private sector .
13 Although the Labour Party — then in opposition — declared its disagreement with the underlying principles of the bill , the tone and level of the debates about immigration cemented the belief that not only was such legislation desirable from all political perspectives , it was also inevitable that it should be brought in .
14 The other interested party , the United States , was totally unsympathetic towards the domestic French ramifications of the treaty , and ultimately showed its impatience with the threat of an ‘ agonising reappraisal ’ of policy should France delay the rearmament of West Germany and the strengthening of NATO much longer .
15 Lorentz wondered whether ‘ patrons might be made to understand why the movies are so banal and childish … if every motion picture theatre prefaced its films with the caption ‘ This picture has been censored by a minor politician or by his assistants ’ ’ .
16 The Congress finished its work with the adoption in principle , by 1,723 votes to four with 13 abstentions , of a statement on human rights and freedoms which , according to Le Monde of Sept. 7 , would place the individual above the collective for the first time in Soviet history , if implemented in legislation by the new Supreme Soviet .
17 As each beast ambled at its own pace along a farm track , the team collected its breath with the help of a gas-tight mask and a weather balloon .
18 The delegation subsequently expressed its dissatisfaction with the inability of State ministers and officials to respond fully to various queries raised by its members .
19 On foreign policy issues the European Council " expressed its preoccupation with the critical food supply situation in Moscow and St Petersburg " and agreed to " take concrete rapid steps to help the populations of these cities " .
20 Even the Church threatened its members with the ultimate insecurity of damnation or purgatory ( with the added organizational advantage of no feedback loop ) .
21 These paintings give the sensation that Braque has felt his way visually around each object and examined its relationships with the other objects around it from several viewpoints .
22 The first generation to find itself in the vanguard after the second world war mistrusted opera , felt its connections with the old order too oppressive .
23 That led to a strike , followed by tough new pay and conditions package , before the dispute reached its climax with the sacking of virtually the entire 340 staff .
24 This process , begun in 1946 with the acclaim for Great Expectations , reached its peak with the 1974 publication of Masterworks of the British Cinema , a book that included the script of Brief Encounter but zealously forbade its readers to praise the man who wrote it : ‘ Brief Encounter , indeed , constitutes almost a declaration of independence on Lean 's part from his fruitful but by 1945 no doubt increasingly constricting association with Coward 's writing . ’
25 A useful exchange of views always takes place and engenders an excellent team spirit , which proved its worth with the campaign for increased subscriptions when we all felt we were working towards the same goal and had a common purpose .
26 The evening breeze once more did its trick with the carpet and the tall arthritic figure of Louis Dersingham limped in .
27 The South Australian legislature introduced its legislation with the intention of deterring persons from sensationalising criminal activity .
28 Recipient of the first three Perths was 209 Squadron at Mount Batten , which replaced its Irises with the new ‘ boats .
29 If I have , e I have to say that I do n't think that the particular version of the inner northern route had its junction with the southern bypass moved to the west .
30 Before Soviet purchases of Argentine gain boosted overall trade figures in the early 1980s , the USSR 's trade with Havana exceeded its dealings with the rest of Latin America by a ratio of approximately four to one .
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