Example sentences of "[vb past] up [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 Guido drew up abruptly at the side of the road .
2 She tensed up immediately at the prospect of seeing him again , but when she turned right round her heart flipped idiotically in her chest .
3 he also opened up early at the wicket and had a tendency to bowl from the edge of the crease , which caused him to get the right shoulder in front of the left as he delivered and , with hardly any follow through , the only way he could generate any great speed was by a late acceleration of the bowling arm .
4 Every head turned up automatically at the sound of the furnace engine .
5 Rigby was surprised when Gedge turned up beforehand at the town 's Tesco stores where she had a Saturday job .
6 The controversy over criteria for granting Latvian citizenship flared up again at the end of March , when President Anatolijs Gorbunovs proposed that a referendum be held on the issue [ for October and November 1991 controversy see p. 38585 ] .
7 Meredith glanced up uncertainly at the four-storey buildings soaring up forbiddingly on either side of the alley where they were walking .
8 As he edged forward , Sendei glanced up occasionally at the far end .
9 She glanced up now at the night sky , her eyes searching among the infinitesimal pin-points of light , and wondered if he was out there somewhere , had approved of her bright , carefree behaviour tonight .
10 It is only prudent with most of the Dale 's ‘ Wares tied up here at the fortress .
11 Or paper bags tied up tight at the neck .
12 The O'Neil double-act started up again at the other end of the church , Denis responding to Paddy .
13 With difficulty she stared up again at the unreachable sky beyond the bars and wire mesh of her cage and though she tried to say more she was unable to , for her wings sagged ever more weakly and she seemed barely able to hold up her head .
14 She shifted from foot to foot and stared up impatiently at the gallery of offices that ran around the walls .
15 He looked up suspiciously at the northern sky , clear and tranquil .
16 She looked up eagerly at the sound of footsteps , but then , as she saw the two women , with an almost human expression of disappointment she turned her head away and with a heavy sigh lowered her head to her paws .
17 The registrar laughed to himself and then looked up thoughtfully at the endlessly turning fan .
18 The aide-de-camp was quietly providing a running translation of the senator 's remarks and the governor looked up sharply at the mention of the word " independence . "
19 He looked up sharply at the sound of the door — Again ? he thought disbelievingly , and he winced as the movement aggravated the mild headache that he 'd brought home with him .
20 Montgomery looked up gratefully at the sound of rattling cups .
21 Cardiff looked up then at the Constable , still dabbing at a fresh nosebleed with his now-crimson handkerchief .
22 Australian Ian Baker-Finch , an unknown player featuring in his first British Open , slipped up right at the start of the last day , hitting his second shot into the Swilcan Burn .
23 I can remember the long cloudless days when we drove for mile after mile over desert that stretched out around us as flatly as an unruffled sea ; the way we would pull the throttle out so that the needle stood up straight at the figure forty , and then would laze back with our legs stretched out across the bonnet … .
24 It was that young fool of a student Bacci , who stood up stiffly at the sight of the Marshal who had witnessed his first embarrassingly unsuccessful attempt at being a policeman .
25 She jumped up joyfully at the hope .
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