Example sentences of "[vb past] up [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A blue shape that swam up in the doorway .
2 An odour of dank river air swam up from the river .
3 An explosion of methane gas which seeped up from the ground in Derbyshire 5 years ago demolished a pensioner 's house .
4 Darkness seeped up from the earth .
5 He wandered up to the logging camp on his eighteenth birthday and enthusiastically asked for a job .
6 ‘ I keep wondering what he 'd do if I wandered up to the edge of the pit and leaned over and yelled , ‘ Oi , you down there .
7 And , them will survive there , but during er the Winter , starting October , you could see the face of the plantation of that was facing the sea , it all scorched up towards the end of O of er December .
8 ‘ A vast pillar of fire rose up through the floor and decimated the display of the Nugahiro Corporation 's new range of lap-top computers ! ’
9 Ashley swerved towards it , but as she ran the ambulance came to a halt beside a pad where a helicopter waited , a stretcher was ferried aboard and the helicopter rose up into the sky .
10 The bullet punched through armour plate , the tank exploded , and the arvee rose up into the air in a whirl of flame .
11 The sound was so alarming that the ducks on the lake enclosure opposite rose up into the air in sudden flight .
12 Nothing was left but a clearing in the forest and a flock of doves who rose up into the air , wheeled round , and flew off .
13 The glider rose up into the atmosphere .
14 The wheel gathered momentum as they rose up to the top : balanced , it seemed , on nothingness for a precarious second , then plunged , in a stomach-churning dive , back to earth again .
15 They stood together on the hillside that rose up behind the Castle .
16 On my right , across the river , steep forested banks rose up from the water .
17 Another time , a photographer had ventured onto the reef that rose up from the sea at the far corner .
18 His breast rose up from the pyjama top like the prow of a boat cresting a wave .
19 As the very last mouthful disappeared , a tremendous cheer rose up from the audience and children were leaping on to their chairs and yelling and clapping and shouting , ‘ Well done , Brucie !
20 the ray rose up like a revenant
21 As she disturbed them , a film of dust rose up like an atom cloud .
22 She rose up in the world without lifting a finger when she married into the gentry and I daresay she let him feel the difference been them .
23 That is why the people of Scotland rose up against the rating system .
24 The great beeches towered up towards the sky , their grey smooth trunks like the columns of an abbey church , and about their roots short grasses grew , gay with harebells and scentless violets among which indolently flitted small butterflies more blue than the flowers .
25 While he and Blanche hummed up in the lift to the conference room , Dexter told the superintendent what he had found out at the dry cleaner 's .
26 The Instruction ( Nakaz ) which Catherine personally drew up for the guidance of the deputies who made up this Commission was a conflation of ideas drawn , with little alteration , from West European writers , particularly Montesquieu and Beccaria .
27 A few moments later , however , a taxi drew up to the kerb and he thrust his golden head out of the window .
28 As soon as she drew up to the roundabout at the top of Woodstock Road , she found herself in traffic which stretched as far as the eye could see , and when she switched on the car radio , she discovered that the only sound it would make was an assortment of squeaks and crackles .
29 They drew up with a rasp of gravel just behind the trailer , and Sergeant Allen 's head popped out as if on a string .
30 There was something in the speed , as they rounded corners on two wheels , that shook her out of her bad mood , and when they drew up with a squeal of brakes in the narrow road just by Pepe 's Bar , she was laughing at Miguel 's uncharacteristic recklessness .
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