Example sentences of "[vb past] so [adj] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , not falling apart , ’ said Rohmer , raising his voice over the groaning , cracking , straining noise as it now became so loud that surely it must burst apart like a bomb , killing them all in the process .
2 Its presence in everyday life became so large and so intense , and in such a short space of time — say 20 years from the Coronation in 1953 , acknowledged as the ‘ take-off date — that its influence is strictly incalculable , over other media and over most facets of life .
3 It , it was a two bedroom old cottage it was , very , very nice with a big garden and all I had was erm one room downstairs and like er a kitchen , well er where the sink and that was it was more like a big room where the kitchen was and the two bedrooms upstairs , but only a door on one bedroom , you went up the stairs into a big open room you know where the bannisters all round you know what I mean , no door on it and just , another door , a bedroom door , that 's all but I loved it you know it was a nice erm , not bad , but of course it was condemned it got so old and then they pulled it down and they built another house on it right next to where erm that shooting took pla you know they was having that shooting night just down that lane where I used to be
4 ‘ I could n't have my hair done , and it got so thin and straggly at the back . ’
5 Third , the plight of the business may be so grave , and the selection of the individuals concerned so inevitable and so urgently required , that consultation would make absolutely no difference to the outcome .
6 Each time I saw you coming dancing towards me along a sunny street , moving lightly on your toes like a boxer , with your slightly duck-toed run that I , a turned-out-toes walker , found so male and so sexy , my heart jumped in my throat and I wanted to run towards you and throw myself into your arms .
7 The rebellion of the American colonies in the eighteenth century confronted the British with an axiom which , for reasons which are capable of being understood , they found so unpleasant that more than two centuries later they have still not ceased attempting to wish it out of existence .
8 Erm , he is erm regarded as in terms of erm , he tried so hard and just
9 Things seemed so much as before .
10 Hari tried to conceal her surprise , she had believed the man to be a famous actor , he seemed so colourful and too theatrical to simply be a businessman .
11 It seemed so unfair but perhaps he was right .
12 He also gave me whole tins of peaches in syrup ; I ate so many that eventually I broke out in a painful rash .
13 It happened so fast and so drastically that I nearly slid after him , managing only instinctively to pivot on one foot and throw myself headlong back onto the boards still remaining solid behind the hole .
14 It was actually against Brighton ( 10–1 ) , here at Selhurst Park on 3 January 1942 in a wartime London League match , but even so , there can be few , if any , other players whose careers began so early and so explosively .
15 Quite unable to stop herself , she too reached out to stroke the satin-softness of his skin , her eyes darkening as she saw the many bruises that came from trying to control the incredibly fast cars that flew so low and hard round the Grand Prix circuits .
16 In fact she talked so much and so often about it that I feel I have been there myself . ’
17 Many thanks to those who worked so hard and so well to prepare the children .
18 Corbett loved the brilliant logic delivered so tongue-in-cheek that only those who wished to take offence would be affronted .
19 Louise looked at Fleury and felt so vulnerable that presently she began to cry .
20 It felt so safe and so right , and at the same time so electric , stirring her in ways that were becoming increasingly familiar , and increasingly delightful .
21 Lo and behold , when I got to court , this old lady was there and I felt so ashamed and so sorry for her .
22 He saw so much and so keenly , his vision enhanced by his occulobe .
23 Jim thought this was priceless and laughed so loud and so long that he brought the Duty Officer down from Flying Control to find out what he 'd missed .
24 In fact , he laughed so loud and so often that One Over The Eight practically came to a halt .
25 Although in the early days Derek was happy to drive me around and did n't even charge me for the petrol , pretty soon our visits here and there grew so frequent and far afield that he was finding himself quite a bit out of pocket .
26 She sipped her tea and looked so long and thoughtfully into the fire that Carrie began to think she had forgotten her .
27 He was so young some nights , I mean he looked so young and so quiet , and I was scared for him you see , so scared that he 'd get it wrong , that he 'd waste himself .
28 By the summer of 1905 the government looked so vulnerable that even irreproachable traditionalists such as the Marshals of the Nobility concluded that political reform was inescapable .
29 The government looked so vulnerable that even irreproachable traditionalists among the landowning nobility concluded that political reform was inescapable .
30 It looked so green and hard .
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