Example sentences of "[vb past] me [adv prt] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He often got me out of bed , late on an evening , to run an errand .
2 Well , the old chap come and got me out of school that morning to take this horse to Norwich .
3 Everything went wrong , but she got me out of trouble .
4 No I backed the first winner today and that got me out of trouble .
5 ‘ You got me out of gaol .
6 ‘ I 'm glad you talked me out of Poetry and Jazz . ’
7 He gruffly shoved me out of line , too busy to fool with a silly kid who could barely understand English .
8 My illness kept me out of action for a fortnight so it was fully three weeks after the demise of my job before I finally went down to my local Department of Employment offices and ‘ signed on ’ .
9 ‘ You took me out of Caer Wydyr ! ’
10 This was Musica Transalpina , compiled by Nicholas Yonge , a choirman of St. Paul 's , who had been accustomed to entertain his guests with the singing of ‘ Italian songs ’ from books ‘ yeerely sent me out of Italy and other places ’ .
11 They analysed it and found that it was mud , a piece of clay , y'know , but them not being all-forgiving , they suspected that I was using drugs , y'know , so they kicked me out of home and I went to live with my grandmother and then I had more freedom there to do as I pleased and hence started going to pop festivals and things and enjoying them and getting off on them and mixing with that whole subculture if you like .
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