Example sentences of "[vb past] me [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Without taking hold of me , she forced me to stand in one spot of my own will , while she whipped me on all sides .
2 A small Palestinian boy led me up some steps to the side of the building and the woman ushered me inside .
3 This got me into some problems too with a chap in Braigh who was very fond of black Polled cattle .
4 Paraded in my immaculate " dhobied " drill I presented myself to my commanding officer who glared at me , and dismissed me with these words : " I am astonished that you have the gall , Mahaddie , to apply for a pilot 's course … if anyone is foolish enough to ever recommend you , you would only kill yourself , and probably others , Good day ! "
5 They helped me in many ways but there was something sick in my mind .
6 Mr. Whitaker also referred me to some passages in the speeches of Viscount Finlay and Lord Dunedin in Weld-Blundell v. Stephens [ 1920 ] A.C. 956 , 966–968 , 976 .
7 I saw an excellent physiotherapist and a chiropractor who subjected me to some tests and found that the ratio between my hamstrings and my quadriceps was n't good enough .
8 One of the circumstances which drove me to these experiments will be familiar to most home cooks .
9 Two Bengali women in their twenties told me of many women they knew , and knew of , who were thus stranded .
10 Over the years , he told me on many occasions of his first day in business at Wilton when a young man .
11 Today , someone told me about some fires in the new forest here in Africa ; but Gog does n't want to hear about those fires . ’
12 Nervously reading from a statement , she said : ‘ He kissed me on both cheeks and placed his hand on my waist .
13 Back at the house , Ilsa kissed me on both cheeks .
14 She said , ‘ Lulu , how lovely to see you ! ’ and kissed me on both cheeks . ’
15 I met this Frenchman at Masstricht who kissed me on both cheeks .
16 Then he suddenly went up on his toes and both hands flashed out and clipped me on both cheeks .
17 There were indeed some who shook their heads and moaned , but on the whole buoyancy , bullishness and general enthusiasm hit me from all sides .
18 I leaned closer to Quigley , who , in a kind of transport of enthusiasm , grabbed me by both ears and squeezed my head hard .
19 He walked over , grabbed me by both lapels and screamed , ‘ Tu comprends , toi , ou quoi ? ’
20 Fingered me for those burglaries .
21 After leaving the prairies in 1937 my working career took me to many lands around the world for 37 years , and I must confess that during all that time I scarcely thought of my old friend Edna Jacques until January of 1974 , when we were living in Anguilla .
22 Then he took me in both hands and pushed my legs into the top of the bone .
23 It reminded me of those rooms they put guests in in horror movies — the sort where you know something horrible 's going to happen in the middle of the night .
24 On my final day at Berkeley , my fourth-form pupils presented me with some flowers and a small mounted copy of Claude Lorrain 's ‘ Hagar and the Angel ’ .
25 ‘ Paul accompanied me at some services .
26 My Grandfather accompanied me to all contests and modelling assignments and was well known on the Beauty Queen circuit as ‘ Pop ’ .
27 ‘ When I struck the bream tore off downstream and dragged me into some weeds but I eventually got it to the bankside , ’ said Matthew .
28 Ben he spotted me on these occasions he invariably called out some mocking remark and if he happened to be with some of his cronies they all joined in the laughter at my expense .
29 Then he held me by both arms and stared fiercely down into my eyes .
30 You rescued me from those gorillas at the garage , took me out to that dinner and , lo and behold , I came home to find my house ransacked by someone who must have known how long I 'd be away .
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