Example sentences of "[vb past] no more than [art] " in BNC.

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1 But the doctor discerned no more than the ghost of either in the Rector 's smile .
2 The bomb weighed no more than a pound and a man could carry up to thirty of them .
3 And he was there , making the impossible leap from the ground to the moving platform , ducking beneath the barrel of the cannon , waving his chainsword in circles as if it weighed no more than a walking stick .
4 Before she had time to move she felt his arms around her , scooping her bodily from the fountain as if she weighed no more than a feather .
5 She was lifted against his bare chest as if she weighed no more than a feather , the shock of his warm skin and the slight roughness of short , curling hair against her palms rendering her abruptly speechless .
6 The idea of regional or republican cost-accounting received no more than a cautious welcome in the resolution on national relations that was adopted at the conference ; the resolution did however speak of the ‘ further development ’ of the federation , involving the transfer of greater powers to the local level and to the union republics in particular .
7 Perhaps Somalia has more in common with Chad , another desert full of warlords , where the toppling of one gang by another caused no more than a bit of looting last month .
8 Before World War II , as Drucker relates , ‘ all the books on management filled no more than a modest shelf ’ .
9 He reached for Freddy , and with what seemed no more than a flick of his wrist pitched him across the foyer .
10 At first , the difficulty he had in opening the door of his room seemed no more than an irritating trifle .
11 Her voice faded as her body weakened and drooped , so that she seemed no more than the shadow of the eagle she must once have been , and a shadow that was losing itself in the darkness of a cage .
12 Surely , to apply the label ‘ manslaughter ’ to the conduct of a person who envisaged no more than a common assault , e. g. by a single punch , is both disproportionate and unfair .
13 The boy showed no more than a formal interest in her .
14 Henceforth the local , stable community where relationships were both personal and persistent became no more than a rarity in the modern world .
15 None of this shows , of course , that the folk theories , even if false , are not well and truly in consciousness ; indeed if they were not one could not truly be said to be working with a false theory of the mind ( unless theory became no more than a structure of , possibly unconscious , assumptions ) .
16 In some cases the tube connecting the bag to the gut became no more than a solid thread .
17 With the collapse of the Seamen 's United all thoughts of a national organisation became no more than a pipe dream .
18 I had thought I might stroll out towards the famous Liseberg Gardens , but I got no more than a couple of hundred yards before I was turned back by the pitiless downpour .
19 And old man Verne-Smith and his wife , he knew , lived no more than a mile away , but them he avoided out of simple antipathy .
20 This was reflected in the prices paid for the average in-calf and maiden heifer , which at times made no more than a good commercial first-calver at Carlisle .
21 Volvo 's two-litre B200 engine had always been smoother than the bigger-bore 2.3 , but it made no more than an adequate job of hauling the corpulent 940 .
22 Against this background the terms of settlement of the 1911 strike indicated no more than a truce in the battle for the control of the supply of labour in the industry .
23 For every evening wasted in the contemplation of Tubular Bells we spent no more than the time it takes to finish a vodka-and-lime soaking up Sugar Baby Love by the Rubettes .
24 In Russia the war aroused no more than a brief flicker of patriotic enthusiasm : years of nationalist propaganda under the last two tsars failed to bear fruit .
25 Of course , by ‘ nation ’ Rousseau meant no more than the people in a locality as opposed to what the word came to mean , the inhabitants of an established State .
26 On the book 's cover there is an appealing family portrait of a shy little girl in a pretty white dress , sitting on an elderly gentleman 's lap , with an appropriate caption : ‘ A pictorial survey of the most interesting decade in English history , when the generation gap meant no more than the gap between grandfather and grand-daughter . ’
27 In the course of his farming life , Quentin Seddon kept no more than a handful of pigs .
28 The libertarian interpretation rejects the notion that the revolutionaries represented no more than the extravagant daydreams of isolated malcontents .
29 Supposed to be matron , and knew no more than a charwoman .
30 Nurse practitioners in most of the participating major departments managed no more than a small fraction of the patients each day .
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