Example sentences of "[vb past] from [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her head beat from side to side and she said , ‘ Yes , yes , yes , yes , ’ again , then Lachlan — wiry , athletic-looking , skinny shanks ramming back and forth like some skinny bull — reached under her , pulled her up , his legs spreading , kneeling ; she hung onto him , arms round his neck , then after a few vertical stabs he threw her down , back onto the bed ; she grunted , arms still tight round his back , then she brought her legs up , right up over his thin , plunging , globe-buttocked behind , until her ankles were in the small of his back , rocking to and fro , feet crossed one over the other , locked there ; with one splayed hand she held onto his back , pressing him to her , and with the other hand she felt down the length of his body , over ribs and waist and hips , and with another grunt reached round and under , taking his balls in her hand , pressing them and kneading them and squeezing them .
2 They bounced from wall to wall , crossing and recrossing , and the violet light flickered in time with the sound .
3 However , the idea that archive work might be used in the training of embryo diplomats still surfaced from time to time in France .
4 Hugh Gaitskell , an economics don and wartime civil servant who was elected to Parliament in 1945 and in six years rose from backbencher to Chancellor of the Exchequer , illustrates with his diary entry for 14 October 1947 ( when he was Minister of Fuel and Power ) just how little impact Attlee 's directive of a year before had had on the performance of individuals :
5 At the conclusion of the ceremony , shouts of congratulation rose from earth to heaven and the sound of kettle drums of joy rent the skies .
6 In the Fifties the things you bought to throw away ranged from Kleenex to baking tins , from razors with only one blade ( supplied by vending machine ) to watches not worth repairing .
7 Returning to London , and influenced by Ruskin and Octavia Hill , she went to work as a volunteer at a number of slum-housing projects around Marylebone , where her contributions ranged from carpentry to moral tutoring and advising the poor of the district on careers , and attempting to lead them away from the evils of alcohol .
8 The indictments at Reading Crown Court ranged from poaching to murder .
9 The firm had developed novel parallel processing software which worked like a ‘ worm ’ , spawning segments which moved from processor to processor .
10 Kitty moved from hut to hut every few years .
11 That afternoon , as they moved from church to market square and strolled admiringly past rows of handsome eighteenth-century houses , greedily Robbie recorded every second , every sight , every sensation , building up a store of precious memories to take out and brood over when this time out of reality — as it must — came to an end .
12 They will want to know why we did not appreciate the inconvenience and stupidity of having to change currency constantly as one moved from country to country in the Community .
13 Swiftly Rachel and Nina moved from person to person , releasing seatbelts , offering reassurance and assessing injuries .
14 They moved from cover to cover within the compound , advancing towards the rear of the battle , following the sounds that would lead them to their own side and to news of the day 's progress .
15 It also led to closer contacts between the dancers as they moved from picture to picture within the design .
16 I forgot all about donating and the transfusion service lost track of me as I moved from house to house over the years , until the other day when the subject came up in the office .
17 The Conservative philosophy fitted , so they moved from Labour to Conservative . ’
18 It was a I was gon na ask you you know , wh when you moved from shunter to foreman , you had responsibilities for a lot a lot besides the shunting .
19 An evening with a breeze ; I could see movement in the bracken that edged the track , and cloud-shadows moved from time to time over the sea-pinks .
20 Meg stood behind him , at his shoulder , holding the two lamps steady above the page , following Ben 's finger as it moved from right to left , up and down the columns of cyphers .
21 In the 15 sign languages analysed , the following signs were found for LAUGH , HELP and ( tell a ) LIE , In all 15 sign languages , the sign for LAUGH was located at the mouth or lower cheek ; the hand was either held with index finger extended , or index and thumb extended and moved from side to side .
22 Within the chromosomes of a single individual , however , there are processes whereby pieces of DNA are duplicated , or moved from place to place .
23 They were the classic forest hunters of Siberian whose family bands moved from place to place , camping in conical , deerskin-covered tents , the most common type of nomadic dwelling in the north , to which the Russians applied the Komi term chum .
24 But he was learning from experience and moved from town to town to polish his burglary skills .
25 Much of this mobility was accounted for by adolescent farm servants who regularly changed jobs every year ; they moved from farm to farm regardless of parish boundaries but rarely went very far .
26 Italy moved from victory to victory .
27 He moved from job to job , for a period boxing in a fairground booth and also trying his hand at acting , whilst also posing for Minton in his studio in return for ten shillings a week .
28 These men — and overwhelmingly they were men — came from large , poor families , moved from job to job in catering and manual work and were unable to save out of their meagre earnings .
29 And in adulthood John moved from job to job without settling .
30 At the end of the luncheon our host Monsieur Jean Louis Dumas-Hermès and his attractive wife , who looked super in an ice-blue silk dress and large matching hat , moved from table to table chatting with guests .
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