Example sentences of "[vb past] not a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It proposed not a planned economy in which the State would direct resources but a managed one where the State would influence the use of resources through its fiscal policy .
2 To start with the computer made not a blind bit of difference .
3 Is it really relevant that most of that military money produced not a single weapon ?
4 Having gathered up the elements of his story from Wordsworth and John Cruikshank , Coleridge had , in a week of brilliant creativity , produced not a gothic ballad of the supernatural , but a strange and capacious metaphor of life itself-of man 's lonely voyage on a ‘ wide wide sea ’ , of his struggle with evil , of guilt and imperfect redemption .
5 One , apprenticed to a shoe maker , recalled not a cruel master but a mistress who turned him into a household drudge .
6 It heralded not a new age of dispersal , but a return to the bad old days of technological free-for-all-a return to that madness that had once before almost destroyed Chung Kuo .
7 We saw not a single sign of any fun last year .
8 Her eyes never left his , the woman 's , and she did not a damn thing to cross her legs or put her hands across her breasts .
9 After all , did not a distinguished predecessor of mine write an important book in the 1950s entitled Fundamentalism and the Word of God ?
10 The evidence given to the Select Committee showed that in Norway and Belgium it was the practice to keep in solitary confinement prisoners ( whether sentenced for murder or for other crimes ) who had not a criminal record , but this method was adopted for reformative purposes and for protecting such prisoners from contamination by other prisoners .
11 The men had not a dry thread on their bodies ; there was not a dugout that could provide dry accommodation .
12 They had not a great deal of choice .
13 Gerald Kaufman , as usual , had not a good word to say for anybody or anything .
14 He had not a handsome face , but it was better than handsome : being extremely amiable and cheerful . ’
15 We were playing a silly game , which had not a tragic outcome — it had , thanks to the mercy of providence , a fortunate outcome — but it had an outcome which is not one which ah statecraft should either aim at or be proud of having achieved .
16 I am normally a law-abiding citizen but I had not a single scruple .
17 But the sovereigns from Queen Victoria onwards turned consultations with the archbishop into a constitutional convention ; so that now the Archbishop of Canterbury had the principal say in the choice of bishops and had a right to be consulted on the choice of his own successor ; or , if he had not a constitutional right , at least he had every right to proffer advice to the prime minister whether the prime minister asked for it or not .
18 You had not a bad skinful yourself last night ! ’
19 They were seated now , on Rab 's ruined chairs ; and Rab noticed that Doctor — some surprise — had not a bad leg .
20 Several drunk Britons tried to hang him one night , and would have succeeded had not a French Corporal cut him down in time .
21 Virchow , it is worth noting , provided a precedent for the suggestion when he held that the simian cast to bones of Neanderthal man reflected not a separate line in the evolution of Homo but rickets in man living during the Wu∘rm ice age .
22 ‘ She looked at her step-mother but uttered not a single word ; she simply picked up our big drap-de-dames green shawl ( it 's a shawl we all use , a drap-de-dames one ) , and covered her head and face entirely with it ad lay down on the bed with her face to the wall , ad her little shoulders and her whole body were trembling . '
23 ‘ Tiger ’ also had his victory confirmed and the A.A. batteries claimed another — four out of seven destroyed not a bad effort , we felt , particularly as the squadron had spent their time in a defensive circle ! ’
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