Example sentences of "[vb past] not [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Paul grudged the money spent on Jonas , in his progressive asylum ; by now , the madman would not have known where he was ; a cheaper one would have done , but Paul dared not suggest it to his mother .
2 My index finger was sleeved in frost and I dared not bend it for fear of splitting the skin .
3 Salah did not need to persuade himself ; and his Egyptian teacher was also anxious that his daughter should continue — — but he did not want her to be the only one .
4 Similarly Mr. Pope , who was looking after his wife , said he did not want her to be anywhere else but at home :
5 ‘ But the rest of our family insisted because we did not want him to be endangered .
6 I did not want him to be alone with Otto .
7 He did not kiss her , she did not want him to .
8 She did not want him in her life .
9 She knew that her grown-ups were frightened and she did not want them to be frightened , but she also knew that Fenna was a mightier protection than all their loving care could ever be .
10 But when she heard about Lore Selo and her two sisters , whose mother did not want them to be parted , Miss Harder promptly offered to take all three and the committee were shocked into acceptance .
11 He said that , despite the fact that representatives of the Russian Parliament did not want them to be built and decisions had been taken for them not to be built , they were still being built because of the nature of the command economy that is being phased out .
12 Admittedly they did not taste like a British dumpling , but Fabia did not want them to .
13 Who knows what the exact situation will be and what problems will arise as those changes are forced upon the Scottish people who did not want them in the first place ?
14 They were not sure Labour would win , and did not want it to .
15 They did not want it to be too obvious , since observing the search would provide them with great amusement .
16 The sort of people who wanted a house that size these days did not want it in the high street of a market town , and this young woman surely would not have the income to keep it up .
17 It sounds like a typical design-by-committee product , but to the general relief the closest boat to this , the anodyne German Teeny , did not make it past Dover .
18 But let me tell you now about just a few of those entries which did not make it to the final but which , nevertheless , had several redeeming features .
19 That this tolerant attitude should have resulted in his being called an Anekāntavādin , or a believer in many doctrines , is not surprising , but it did not disturb him in the least .
20 She did not expect him to be ‘ faithful ’ , but he was .
21 Alington allowed him and two other canons to introduce the daily sacrament on condition that they did not expect it to be part of the cathedral 's official usage .
22 There were twenty of us , other chaps in much the same boat as me , Nancy our tutor was cheerful , down to earth and did not expect us to be cordon bleu cooks .
23 Althusser uses this case to support his claim that Marx held a complex view of social change , and did not regard it as the outcome of a single contradiction between the forces and the relations of production .
24 He believed in the chain of command : he communicated with civil servants through their ministers and ( with occasional exceptions ) with ministers through the prime minister ; and he did not regard it as his function to supervise the actual process of implementing decisions .
25 To know he had considered her ‘ special ’ was satisfying , but she did not regard it as a signal to fall headlong into his arms .
26 It was not everyone who would have relished going off into the dark forest ; Lugh did not relish it at all , in fact .
27 Research can be carried out at all sorts of levels ; we could restrict ourselves simply to reading everything we can find and produce a piece of work which was wholly based on documentary sources and which did not involve us in attending any baptisms or asking anyone involved any questions .
28 He has been to my constituency recently , although he did not inform me of the fact .
29 Your Mr may have explained the position to Joe of Samuel McCauls Limited when he was over in Northern Ireland last September , but Joe did not inform me of your company 's position .
30 If Harriet did not carry them to higher ground they would surely drown .
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