Example sentences of "[vb past] that [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In their own study which actually involved recording EEG/EOG measures of sleeping shiftworkers in their own homes using a portable tape recorder , they also found that sleep during the day was generally shorter than night-time sleep , and more frequently interrupted by awakenings .
2 But no-one used that label in the ninth century ; nor did Charles ever call himself king of the West Franks : his own royal title was simply " king by the grace of God " .
3 This was stated yesterday by airport chairman Hugh O'Neill when he announced that work on the 108 bedroom , three-star hotel is to start before the end of the year , opening in the spring of 1993 .
4 And the pencil — what made that fall to the floor ? ’
5 ‘ I probably made that mark on the ground when I pulled over the door … there 's a scrape on the floor of the gazebo … must have happened when I pushed him over . ’
6 If the foreigner made that transfer in the past before he became ordinarily resident here the clause would not apply to him because in its opening words it refers to individuals ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom .
7 During the Cienfuegos speech Castro confirmed that work on the Juraga nuclear power plant in Cienfuegos , the construction work on which was begun in 1972 and which was now 90 per cent complete at an estimated cost of US$1,000 million , had been halted indefinitely for lack of funds .
8 Although in many areas votes were cast for individual candidates rather than the party which fielded them , analysis of the results showed that support for the AP had shifted markedly from urban to rural areas where government development plans and projects had made an impact .
9 I raised that matter on the Adjournment of the House .
10 ‘ I heard that cry in the house again , Martha .
11 To save time and money , ICI decided that damage to the plant could be repaired with cheap prefabricated units .
12 They also felt that experience within the community was important for the individual , as an encouragement to make a voluntary contribution in later life , since this would ultimately promote social cohesion .
13 While O'Neill and his supporters represented that visit as the Republic s de facto recognition that the North did exist as a separate entity and that doing necessary economic business with the North meant the Republic attenuating its claims to the territory of Ulster , the conservative Protestants saw it as an horrendous betrayal of the history and sacrifice of Ulster Protestants .
14 Organization can not , of itself free the teacher from the hours of planning and thought that lie behind the achievement of successful learning in his students .
15 He said that support for the opposition was growing , but many were still afraid — not surprisingly , as opposition leaders have already had officially-inspired warnings that , when the weekend 's official jubilation is over , there could be a new clampdown .
16 We said that come from the film Cats and he reckoned the copy of Memories he 's got is sung by who ?
17 IBM also said that demand for the RS/6000 continued to be strong and pointed out that its operating costs are declining and that total operating expenses were down 8.9% on a year-to-year basis and that sales , general and administrative costs fell 10.1% .
18 IBM also said that demand for the RS/6000 continued to be strong and pointed out that its operating costs are declining and that total operating expenses were down 8.9% on a year-to-year basis and that sales , general and administrative costs fell 10.1% .
19 By conceding a large part of Reagan 's requests in both budget cuts and tax reductions , Jones hoped that compromise with the White House would be possible , but he was to be bitterly disappointed .
20 Opinion polls in June 1991 suggested that support for the National Party had fallen to 35 per cent , while that for the Labour Party had risen to 42 per cent .
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