Example sentences of "[vb past] been [vb pp] to the " in BNC.

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1 Strange , she thought crossly , that the Copenhageners were n't all wearing ankle bandages , but then they 'd been born to the decorative but tricky pavements and attuned their footwear accordingly .
2 She 'd been elected to the National Executive Committee and she stood up , said how pleased she was , and then said , ‘ But now I have to take the bucket round for a collection because that 's what I always do … ’ and I just thought , ‘ How wonderful ’ .
3 Their veteran spokesman thundered occasionally from the back benches , but he 'd been banished to the backwoods by popular opinion .
4 He 'd been posted to the Far East in the 1930 's and as a police office , he was captured at the fall of Singapore and imprisoned in the Japanese death camps .
5 ‘ Father wanted someone to inherit who knew Venice and had been taught the business , someone who 'd been trained to the position . ’
6 I phoned and the man that I needed to speak to was not there , he 'd been seconded to the Himalayas or something , he was only coming back erm , in the middle of January , I was in , erm , November or whatever it was , I was giving a few days ' grace , and then I was going to call .
7 Because , in the summer of 1969 , people who 'd been consigned to the medical scrap heap , victims of the 1920s sleeping sickness or encephalitic epidemic , really did take up their beds and walk .
8 She 'd been introduced to the others initially as a friend .
9 He 'd been shown to the interview room where Scott sat with a uniformed officer close by the door .
10 Alexandra had n't heard the Colonel sound this cheerful since he 'd been confined to the wheelchair .
11 And was it any wonder she 'd fled , if she 'd been subjected to the same bullying and threats by an earlier generation of de Rocheforts ?
12 He was at Pickering castle from 8 to 22 August 1323 : an inquiry was held regarding venison trespasses in Pickering Forest since that forest had been forfeited to the Crown by the treason of the Earl of Lancaster' .
13 It was covered in lettering and had been riveted to the trousers , as if Grandson Richard was some sort of machine .
14 The parachute team from 11 Bn had been tasked to the Sandwich area that morning .
15 The Great Education Reform Bill that had been presented to the House of Commons seven months earlier with the soubriquet of ‘ GERBIL ’ had , like gerbils , grown .
16 A report by an internal party committee set up to review Labour 's failure in elections in November 1988 , which had been presented to the central committee on May 27 , strongly criticised Peres for running a campaign based on the cult of his own personality .
17 The original proposals for the interim state structures had been presented to the Congress on Sept. 2 by President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan .
18 The Constitutional Committee , meeting in plenary session on Oct. 16 chaired by Yeltsin , called on the Supreme Soviet to delay convening the Congress until the first draft of the new Constitution had been presented to the standing parliament .
19 Mozart 's lodge , with others , was subsumed into a larger one , Zur neugekrönten Hoffnung ( New Crowned Hope ) , by which time he had been raised to the third degree , that of Master Mason .
20 In his death the sand-flea had been raised to the status of a full Marine …
21 Bruce meanwhile had launched a lightning raid into north-west England , and after burning Lancaster he crossed into the North Riding of Yorkshire and almost succeeded in capturing Edward himself near Byland Abbey , This humiliation of the king proved too much for Andrew Harclay , whose support had been of crucial importance at Boroughbridge and who had been raised to the earldom of Carlisle a few days after the battle .
22 Little objection had been raised to the forthright tone of What Is To Be Done ? when it first appeared .
23 Meanwhile , on Gladstone 's resignation in 1894 , he had been raised to the peerage as Baron Rendel , of Hatchlands in Byfleet , county Surrey .
24 Ford had been appointed to the battalion in the dying weeks of the last war , and he had only experienced a few skirmishes , yet now he must lead the Prince of Wales 's Own Volunteers against the Emperor 's field army , a realization that naturally occasioned Ford constant trepidation .
25 After the failure of the 1754 conference Braddock had been appointed to the newly-created post of commander-in-chief in America , and he rapidly put together a force which marched north-west through the area Washington had been surveying towards Fort Duquesne , just to the south of Lake Erie .
26 The lords agreed to this proposal immediately , and established a new council which consisted of the Archbishop of Canterbury , William of Wykeham Bishop of Winchester , and eight of those who had been appointed to the advisory committee , including March , Arundel and Stafford .
27 The schoolfellows had been appointed to the Racer together through the efforts of a family friend of the Rogerses , and they serve together for much of their time at sea , occasionally allotted to different ships so as to give the author freedom to range more widely in space and circumstance .
28 Mr. W.S. Johnston , the Second Master and Head of English , had been appointed to the staff in 1934 , initially as Form Master of Junior B. By 1937 he too had moved up to the Senior School .
29 The telephone rang while I was busy explaining to Tony Crosland that I could not accept a further term of office at the Housing Corporation , since I had been appointed to the Mastership of University College , Oxford , but I had agreed to a request that I should at least stay for another year to see someone else in .
30 Angelica said that such a gesture would certainly catch the local people off-guard ; a new policeman had been appointed to the area about two years before , and everybody still referred to him as ‘ that newcomer ’ .
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