Example sentences of "[vb past] been [vb pp] [adv prt] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I mean , even if there had been some war I did believe worth fighting , if I 'd been called up or something , I 'm a coward , I 'm just not physically capable .
2 Yes , if we skip all the intermediate years with , after the war I came back from the army to find we 'd been bombed out and were living in requisition accommodation , after a time , the , we were moved into a new flat over some shops .
3 She 'd been set up and she had thought Fernando was so desperate to have her back in his life that he had manipulated the whole thing .
4 Next thing we read he 'd been knocked down and killed
5 If he 'd been thrown in as he was , he 'd have sunk for a bit , and then probably come up again .
6 ‘ Naturally , it was never admitted they 'd been thrown out because of the investigation .
7 Any road , they crept off to Bury one weekend — it was where his mam lived , where he 'd been brought up and gone to school .
8 Patient 4 who had been operated on before referral received additional radiation therapy .
9 What had occurred was precisely the sort of ‘ semi-hysterical outburst of militancy ’ which McCann had criticised , and far from exposing and isolating the Nationalists , an informal united front had been struck up and the politicians were being allowed to clamber onto the DHAC 's bandwagon .
10 The Court had no knowledge of the case stated that had been struck out and the Crown 's case stated had duly proceeded .
11 In some of the other houses the stable was now a double garage , but in this one it had been blocked in and a window installed .
12 No fresh cool wind had swept through the valley for days , and the same stagnant air had been breathed in and out a hundred times by the whole gasping village .
13 The buttons had been ripped off and the pockets torn open , but it kept me warm .
14 The back seat , its padding springing from the slashed plastic , had been ripped out and hurled to one side .
15 The rest of the animals had been roughed off and turned away in a distant paddock .
16 The area had been built up where not long before , according to Defoe 's account , there were fields of grass with cows feeding in them .
17 Versions of it in prose and rhyme had been written up while he was still at Gastons .
18 Christopher Morrison , prosecuting , said Marriner had tried to obtain money from Crown Street post office in Darlington with a Giro cheque which had been written over and smashed windows at two health centres in the town .
19 Soon a dozen or so hands were raised and after their names had been written down and details of what their duties would involve the meeting was brought to a close .
20 The report claimed that at least 26 people had been killed in the attack , mostly government employees who had been singled out and shot .
21 Mr Rampton said the text showed that ‘ subterfuge ’ had been crossed out and the word ‘ silence ’ substituted .
22 The Collector did not know how the magazine had been blown up but he did not stop to wonder .
23 The front door and the vestibule door had been blown off and the heavy mahogany coat stand lay across the foot of the stairs .
24 A woman who worked in Burtons said the roof on the shop had been blown off and that a next-door restaurant and bakery had also been completely wrecked .
25 Every possible scenario had been played out and evaluations made of how the community would react .
26 By mid and late Devonian times , the new mountains of Europe had been worn down and shallow shelf seas spread on to the continental margins .
27 Since that time the trees which had once enthicketed the hut had been lopped down and now the pyramidal vernal tent stood isolated among a company of stumps , like stepping-stones from the forest to Kitty 's lair .
28 But within an hour of play resuming on Friday , Bucknor called for a TV replay decision after Meyrick Pringle had been sent back and Sachin Tendulkar hit the stumps with a throw from square leg .
29 Whereas 577 telegrams had been sent off and 1,158 received in the volost' in 1913 , the figures for 1926 were 672 and 785 respectively .
30 The fact that they had been warned off but made it the more attractive .
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