Example sentences of "[vb past] it [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The evangelist Leighton Ford , who told me this story some years ago , used it to illustrate the fear of many churches of the evangelist coming in and bringing all kinds of disturbing , unsavoury characters into the church .
2 I personally registered my version of Frombat and used it to create the Transend Menu Program , issued with every Shareware disc , and the Transend Catalogue which only took 3 hours to write .
3 The older woman pulled out a tray of handguns , and used it to push the glasses and drinks off the bar .
4 She also used it to put the fires out .
5 Unfortunately the church was despoiled of its marble wall covering in the fifteenth century when Alberti used it to enrich the Cathedral of Rimini .
6 But he said Cardow ‘ had come armed with a lethal weapon and used it to penetrate the deceased 's body nine times . ’
7 The American biologist Garrett Hardin used it to summarize the message of what may be called ‘ sociobiology ’ or ‘ selfish genery ’ .
8 The aircraft was sold then to Francisco Sarabia , who used it to break the Mexico City to New York record in 1938 .
9 Brenner used it to identify the relations between macroeconomic variables and the measures of national health during the economic cycles that took place in the course of several decades .
10 Perhaps only William Joyce could have taken for his text , as he once did , Edmund Burke 's axiom , ‘ In politics magnanimity is often the truest wisdom ’ — and promptly used it to show the necessity for the extinction of Jewry .
11 The Christian Democrats used it to win the votes of farmers .
12 The electorate took a dim view of this practice when the government used it to get the consumption tax through in December .
13 tried it to remember the script but then I
14 So late in the second set , she walked across the scoreboard and changed it to show the match going in her favour .
15 Thurso my readers will have heard much about , at the time when his Royal Highness visited it to open the Exhibition there in the autumn of 1876 .
16 I s I , I never really played with Windows , I just installed it to do the job of running this one application and then left it alone .
17 He slid his hands into the sleeves , and lifted it to turn the back to the light , and for a few minutes stood studying it closely .
18 Reaching across the table , Michele took her hand , and , holding it in both of his , turned it to examine the palm .
19 Immediately a hand was placed firmly over her head and turned it to face the front again .
20 George fumbled out the little pinhole torch and watched as Maxim delicately smeared a film of shoe polish on the end of his key then probed ag in and immediately withdrew it to study the marks on the polish .
21 The Minister will know of one trainer , Astra Training Services , because he paid it to take the skill centres away .
22 I held it between my own , uncovered it to see the fingers lying on mine : a square hand , fine-boned , fine-textured , not large .
23 She gave him the bundle and he opened it to examine the contents .
24 So , ’ she drew herself up to her full height , her tight black dress clasping her full figure as though the material was pasted to her , ‘ so , ’ she repeated , ‘ I opened it to check the photograph and saw it was Ed Riverton 's .
25 That allowed it to weather the Thatcher bombardment .
26 Craftsmen painstakingly cut the warp , one rib at a time , with long , knives ; then they brushed it to make the pile stand up .
27 He recalled Congress for a special session and challenged it to enact the Republican programme .
28 The declaration committed those who signed it to recognise the independence and sovereignty of other members , to respect human rights including those of national minorities , and to observe existing boundaries .
29 From the yard where the cart was kept , Rosa heard the Small splosh in the bucket after Sabina had placed the bird between her legs and slitted it to pull the guts .
30 But subsequent protests by local farmers , whose land has suffered from drought in recent years , prompted it to reverse the decision .
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