Example sentences of "[vb past] to a small [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He and Auntie Lucy moved to a small cottage nearby , but he continued to keep sheep in the fields surrounding our home .
2 When the Prince moved to a small lodge on the edge of the Steine in the 1780s fashion followed , and Brighton over the next fifty years provided perhaps the ultimate example of the marked contrast between attempts at a classical social order and a barely restrained chaos whose uneasy juxtaposition opened wider chasms in late Georgian society .
3 The English embassy in France has a mansion in the Rue des Medeans , but in early spring they moved to a small castle outside Paris , the Chateau de Maubisson .
4 Then , after quite a while , we came to a small clearing .
5 All went well until she came to a small boy in the second row .
6 They sailed round the shoreline of the harbour until they came to a small bay with a large waterfall over which cascaded the purest water .
7 So , when at last I came to a small village with a large church , I decided that perhaps the priest might be the best person to tell me where these prehistoric pagans buried their dead .
8 And then she came to a small rise in the land and there was a man , his head under his arm .
9 IN APRIL 1987 , THREE HUNDRED PEOPLE CAME TO A small room in Geneva , Switzerland .
10 I had already gathered from the groom that Sir John had not left so , when I came to a small copse of trees , I took my horse deep inside , hobbled it and sat on a boulder .
11 After an hour he came to a small roadside inn that stood on the crest of a shallow hill and , twisting in his saddle , he saw that the inn gave him a good view of the road right to the horizon so that he would see any French pursuit long before it represented any danger .
12 He turned to a small cabinet mounted high on the kitchen wall , and in a moment had presented her with a glass of water and two white capsules that she swallowed obediently and not without relief .
13 He turned to a small table by the door , struck a match to light the oil-lamp , and then carefully adjusted it , making me wait for an answer .
14 The Prince did n't even wait for an answer but turned to a small table beside him , slopped two goblets full of wine , rose and thrust them at his unwanted guests .
15 Carefully , holding her temper under tight control , Caroline walked to a small parquet table and put down her glass .
16 My mooring belonged to a small boatyard near Fambridge , about six miles above Burnham .
17 The result was what Castells called a ‘ local utopia ’ ; one constrained to a small locality and an alternative culture and not substantially challenging state power .
18 She took a path across the land at the side of the house and found that it led to a small wood which girdled the top of the hill on which the house was built .
19 Edinburgh was totally different from London ; a royal burgh , it was built according to some sort of plan : long narrow streets with timbered and stone houses on either side , some joined together , others separated by narrow runnels or alleyways which led to a small garden or croft behind each tenement .
20 An attempt in March to arrest Rodolfo Aguinaldo , the former Governor of Cagayan , led to a small rebellion which , although easily crushed , continued to demonstrated the unreliability of sections of the armed forces [ see p. 37320 ] .
21 The documents amounted to a small archive ; they even included his Palestine mandate press cards , entitling him ‘ to pass freely anywhere in Palestine , including areas in which a curfew has been imposed ’ .
22 She went to a small hospital near the house , and a few days later she died .
23 Green Fields , Grey Future , finds that 80 per cent of farmers received less than 10 per cent of the Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ) budget in 1990 ; 37 per cent of the budget went to a small number of large industrial farms , with the rest of the money being spent on storing and disposing of surplus farm products .
24 His hair curled around his face , and he went to a small basin and swilled water from the tap , rubbing his face and head briskly with a towel .
25 I went to a small dressmaker in Lillie road with some material brought from Newfoundland on one of the brief dockings .
26 She parked a pencil in her hair , looked at her wristwatch , compared that with the wall clock , asked us what time we thought it was , then we all went to a small room that housed a phone and an old-fashioned-looking twelve-inch TV set .
27 To restore his sanity , Green disappeared to a small village in South Wales , giving only a handful of trusted friends a forwarding address .
28 Wendy Vaughan began cooking professionally six years ago at the Old Rectory in Llansanfraid , North Wales — the family home she converted to a small hotel with her husband Michael when he sold his motor parts company .
29 I once said to a small group of Reception children working in the play area : " I 've heard that this bracelet has some strange magic powers .
30 He pointed to a small ridge of higher land before them .
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